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  1. Feb 2024
    1. Fromm viewed societies as forces that lead to alienation from a more natural, primitive way of life. As a result, freedom and individuality actually create psychological problems, as we become disconnected from our immediate social groups (such as the family or local community). This often leads to unfortunate consequences, such as seeking fellowship within a society at the expense of one’s regard for self and others, providing a framework within which dictatorships can develop (as individuals completely surrender their freedom).

      Fromm posits that societal structures cause alienation from natural, simpler lifestyles, negatively impacting individual freedom and identity. This alienation stems from losing connection with close social groups, like families, leading to psychological distress as individuals strive for societal acceptance at personal and communal costs. An example of this is seen in individuals' excessive use of social media to gain approval, often sacrificing genuine relationships and personal well-being. This concept is illustrated in the film "The Social Dilemma," where social media's role in increasing alienation and facilitating manipulative control is explored.