6 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2023
    1. Technical descriptions are similar to technical definitions. but technical descriptions can be stand-alone documents, whereas technical definitions are always components of a larger document

      Technical descriptions are used a lot in law enforcement. When trying to find a subject you have to be technically descriptive when giving a description of the subject. I see where a lot of topics were learning are used in everyday living.

    2. Analyze your audience and give your audience members what they need, in a way they can understand it.

      This is key !!!!!!!!!!!! This is what we all need to succeed. To understand our audience.

    3. If you're using relatively simple terms and have a knowledgeable audience, use simple, short definitions that fit within an ordinary sentence. If the definition is a bit more complex and/or your audience needs a bit more information, use a parenthetical statement. If you're defining complicated or detailed information, even to a knowledgeable audience, insert full paragraphs or subsections.

      I completely agree. You HAVE to know your audience in order for your reader to get an understanding. For example you can't write something intended for a certain audience expecting another audience to understand the relevance.

    1. Even a single grammatical or spelling error can cause your reader to dismiss you as not professional, as not caring enough to edit carefully

      It's always great to double check your work for any issues before submitting the final draft.

    2. Your document should be attractive and pleasing to look at. Just as you wouldn't eat a hamburger from a dirty plate, your reader will not be moved by a document that is not carefully designed and professional.

      I agree, readers like myself need something that will catch my attention. If it's not appealing then why would anyone want to continue reading it ?

    3. First and most important, your writing must be honest. Your trustworthiness in communication reflects not only on you personally but on your organization or discipline.

      Very true. How can I trust what your writing if your not confident with what your trying to tell your reader