4 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2022
    1. Recognizing that an author’s voice is a characteristic created by the reader, the concept and efforts to develop it occupy a less prominent role in the development of writing ability than writing teachers commonly give it credit for.

      This is why an author's voice matters so much. It helps the reader to understand the author's meaning.

    2. On the other hand, if your love letter is written by a secret admirer, you might find the whole notion of this letter awkward, flattering, intriguing, or intrusive.

      When the author is unknown, the meaning of the letter is lessened and gives confusion to the reader.

    3. Origins aside, writing and speech are two ways of using language, so many people think it is possible to ascribe similar characteristics to each and, in turn, to conceptualize writing in terms of speech.

      I say it's possible because you can use speech to strengthen your writing.

    4. Part of the reason advice about developing one’s authorial voice is scant is because the concept of voice usually implies some intrinsic characteristic of the author herself

      Your voice is an important part of your writing. It can lead to assisting the reader.