3 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2021
    1. Paranoia is thick around here today,” said David McClean. “You can see it everywhere. Hello.” He bent and picked up a bloody scarf. “This yours?” “No.” George Hadley’s face set like stone. “It belongs to Lydia.”

      I think the children are planning or wishing for their parents to die with all the hints of personal belonging bloodied by the lions

    2. Children prefer Santa. You’ve let this room and this house replace you and your wife in your children’s feelings

      Showcases the children becoming dependent on the house and the room instead of the parents, thus causing them to lose respect for their parents.

    3. Can I compete with an African veldt? Can I give a bath and clean the children as efficiently or quickly as the automatic body wash can? I cannot. And it isn’t just me. It’s you. You’ve been awfully nervous lately.”

      Lydia, feels as if everything she does is sub par compared to the machine that takes care of them. I feel this makes Lydia feel useless or empty, as she no longer has anymore tasks to do.