2 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. Logic is a branch of mathematics that can deal with functions that are not continuous. Many reljearchers believe that it can play the role in software engineering that continuous mathematics plays in mechanical and electrical engineering. Unfortunately, this has not yet been verified in practice. The large number of states ant1 lack of regularity in the software result in ex- tremely complex mathematical expressions. Disciplined use of these expressions is beyond the computational capacity of both the human programmer and current computer systems. There is progress in this area, but it is very slow, and we are far from being able to handle even small software systems. With current techniques

      When Parnas say it isn't verified that logic does play a role in software engineering it isn't true anymore. For example Drracket beginner lang uses logic a lot. Although Conditionals is the only one we learned so far we can use a cond inside a cond and can make a pretty complex system.

    1. “This is notnecessarily a question about how good the West Lafayette police department is -- whichI think I trust them with all intention -- this is an overarching question of whether this isan appropriate technology.”

      I think Gebru would agree with this statement because earlier in the video she mention how the government may not be very transparent about ai technology which can create suspicion on the goveerment.