31 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2017
    1. Not only did we make and mix music differently, we distributed it in a way that kids today would see as completely alien. That’s because today you can record, mix, and share music all before breakfast – all with the use of leading technology

      This article is more of a blog, however, this one is very factual.

    1. It was actually seen as a miracle by most people then. The very first television broadcast was made by the inventor.

      Changed the world in a huge way because then we can see events from around the world, which makes everyone more connected.

    2. Computer is arguably one of the most important inventions of the 20th century.. So many things went into the invention of the computer.

      I would have to agree with this. Computer have advanced our world in a huge way.

    3. Since then, it has underwent several developments and iterations to become the “modern car” that we have around us today.

      Cars have developed drastically since the early 1900s

    4. In 1977, the very first mobile phone or cell phone was made.

      It wasn't like the cell phones we have today. They were much larger and the internet didn't exist yet ( This would be good to put in the book).

    5. 20th century was notable for many historic events

      This article is more of an encyclopedia

    1. The computer rendered the typewriter obsolete and made writing in long-hand a thing of the past, but it took the internet to truly turn the computer into the monster it is today.

      This sentence can be good for the book because it can explain what replaced the typewriter (History of Technology)

    2. The automobile gave everyone a degree of mobility and personal freedom our forefathers could only dream of, and turned entire generations of teenagers into raging revheads.

      I really like the way they explained this idea and I think it can be good for kids.

    3. Nuclear power was to the twentieth century what steam power had been to the nineteenth: a game changer. Suddenly humanity had a power source that didn’t pollute, was efficient and practically unlimited, and so had the potential to change the planet overnight.

      I don't think nuclear energy is the best thing because there is so much waste that we don't know what to do with it.

    4. However, I think I have managed to whittle it down to those ten innovations or technologies that have had the greatest influence on humanity—both positively and the negatively.

      I noticed that this article has an opinion.

  2. Apr 2017
    1.  It has been organized by teachers and library professionals around the world to provide students with great resources for academic assignments and projects.

      This resource for me is not as useful as most of the others. I searched 'Marijuana' and because most of the results come up as news articles, this resource will not be as useful to me as the others.

    2. One of the best features of this search engine is that it provides trends, graphs and maps for your academic research.

      Personally, I have never used with resource, however, I think it can be useful for my research question, "What are the political ramifications of medical marijuana in the states that it’s already legalized in?" When you search 'Marijuana' most of the articles are from medical journals and not from the media.

    3. Academic Info contains an in-depth directory of the most useful links and resources within a specific subject area.

      Just at first glance, it looks like, not only an search engine, but also a college prep resource. This resource was not user friendly. basically it was a search engine to find other search engines.

    4. Especially designed to search for scholarly literature, it helps you find relevant information from the world of scholarly research. With Google Scholar, you can exploremany sources such as books, dissertations, articles and abstracts from various academic publishers, professional societies, universities and other websites. 

      This resource is so familiar to use because I use Google. I searched, "The Politics with Marijuana," however, using this site could lead you to researching old information.

    5. Refseek is an academic search engine which is simpler than Google even in appearance. Refseek does not claim to offer more results than Google. Instead, it removes results that are not related to science, academia and research. 

      I used Refseek and searched the term "Medical Marijuana". I was quickly able to find several articles.

    1. Ask a peer.

      Asking a peer isn't always the best choice because their knowledge may not be reliable or correct.

    2. The Google Wonder Wheel can visually assist you as you refine your search from general to specific. Here's how to use this tool:

      I have never heard of this "Wonder Wheel"on google search engine, however, seems very useful.

    3. Punctuation is also typically ignored. But there are exceptions. Common words and punctuation marks should be used when searching for a specific phrase inside quotes

      An example of a quote for a specific phrase would be, "Legalize It!" (This is a famous political slogan that promoted legalization of pot.)

    4. The rarely used but powerful minus operator, equivalent to a Boolean NOT, can remove many unwanted results. For example, when searching for the insect caterpillar, references to the company Caterpillar, Inc. will also be returned. Use Caterpillar -Inc to exclude references to the company or Caterpillar -Inc -Cat to further refine the search.

      Searching a topic can easier with using the minus operator. For example, by searching marijuana -crime, there are more of the medical benefits listed rather than anything about police reports incorporating crime.

    5. A Google search of those terms returned 2,440,000 results! To reduce the number of pages returned, use unique terms that are specific to the subject you are researching.

      This is useful because specific terms will make your research more direct. For example my research question, what are the political ramifications of medical marijuana in the states that it’s already legalized in, will get me more specific feedback.

    1. could accommodate up to 256GB of photos, video and apps.

      good for people who keep everything on their phone

    2. Apple will equip with the iPhone 8 with a new front-facing camera system equipped with an infrared transmitter and receiver.

      no more proximity sensor.

    3. Of course, Apple could ditch the Lightning port and not add a USB-C connection, which would ostensibly make the phone that much more resistant to water and other intrusive substances.

      Very beneficial because we need a phone that is more water proof

    4. Apple could slim down the top and bottom bezels and squeeze a larger screen into the same size body.

      larger screen capability.

    5. In 2015, Apple filed a patent for a transparent fingerprint sensor.

      lets people know it's coming ahead of time

    6. Still, we may indeed see new iPhones very soon, leaving the truly breakthrough features in reserve for the tenth anniversary edition coming this fall.

      Topic sentence.

    7. Contenders include the iPhone 10, in a nod to the device's 10th birthday; the iPhone X, in the tradition of Mac OS X (X being the Roman numeral for 10); and, according to the latest rumor from Mac Otakara, iPhone Edition, echoing the nomenclature of the premium Apple Watch Edition.

      Summary of name debate

    8. Certainly, the iPhone 7S and iPhone 7S Plus are realistic possibilities for the midcycle "S" refresh in March (if it comes).

      this is outdated

    9. A heftier price tag, which could exceed $1,000

      most expensive IPhone yet.

    10. With Apple having tested models that have both curved and flat screens, however, the IHS market analyst quoted in the report predicts that the company is more likely to go the flat route.

      big debate because it can have an effect on how people hold the phone, some people may drop it, and some people may enjoy holding a phone that has no curved edges.

    11. USB-C connectivity, perhaps replacing Apple's Lightning connector

      Charging can be much faster Rather than 3 hours charging time it can be 1 hour.