13 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. public consideration and sympathy

      Talking about

    2. Massachusetts

      Where from

    3. 1843


    4. Massachusetts state legislature

      Written to

    5. Dorothea Dix

      Written by

    6. defends

      This is a report.

    7. chained or caged.

      Again, inhumane conditions. Imagine one suffering from paranoia, now chained.

    8. suffering humanity.

      These places that were created to “help” failed, and created inhumane living conditions.

    9. poor

      In this era, asylums were used more as a dumping ground for those who did not fit societies standards. Many never saw the outside world after being admitted.

    10. herself

      I find it very interesting and actually motivating that she began research into mental illness while dealing with her own mental.