2 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2023
    1. we shouldn’t be so quick to jump to conclusions, and we should examine the evidence! However, psychologists have also found that people need their emotions to think clearly.

      I agree with this sentence I think people shouldn't jump to conclusions and should take time to think before jumping into any. A way I am guilty of jumping to conclusions and ways I know others are as well is for example sometimes I think about a task I would like to complete and then I jump into conclusion by thinking that I am not capable of getting that task done and I often completely shut down trying to attempt the task but if I just stop and think about it for a moment and take it slowly/one step at a time I bet I can be more then capable of getting it done.

    2. Look at this picture, and notice your first reaction. Do you have an emotional reaction, good or bad? What is your opinion right off the bat? Going with your gut, what do you think? Notice I am asking you about two things: (1) your emotional reaction and (2) your first thought.

      My initial reaction to this picture is wondering what they are specifically protesting but given the photo shown I can imagine it has something to do with letting people be free to express themselves. I think the phrase "Dreamers Make America Great" means that people with a vision and goal made this country what it is today.