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  1. Jul 2018
    1. Annotators

      Out of the twenty poems, I enjoyed the poem titled "I Remember You As You Were" the most. I don't know if it's talking about death or just remembering someone or describes remembering someone is a good light. When people think of someone they haven't seen in a long time or someone who has passed it brings them into sorrow. In my opinion, it's better to remember someone as they were to prevent sad memories to reemerge or feel that someone is in a bad place; especially if they were deceased. I truly believe that people are at peace once they pass away, they know no longer have to worry about the stress of life. They are with us in spirit and looking over us. My favorite line from the poem "the leaves gathered your voice, that was slow and at peace. Bonfire of awe in which my thirst was burning." To me this line explains that your voice is your presence that can still be heard softly in peace. The bonfire of awe in which my thirst was burning represents the fire inside of someone who remembers how warm they feel when that person was around. In the end, what legacy we leave behind is important, and those who remember should love and remember these people as they were; those who passed will appreciate that.

  2. Jun 2018
    1. After reading “Gilgamesh and the Bible” I am not surprised that “The Epic of Gilgamesh” and the Hebrew Bible have similar stories. To be honest, the bible has been translated so many times I am not surprised that the original may have been copied and somewhat changed. After all, there is so much good information it may have been plagiarized by others who wrote the bible. Unfortunately, a lot of people take something and translate it their own way or to simply have a better understanding of how man kind started. The article explains that start, the problems, and the consequences, and death of human life. Even back then temptations will come along, the humans will fall into a trap, and have to deal with the consequences of their actions. Today people still have to face the same problems that they did back then like being tempted to drink beer, separate themselves from nature, dating the wrong people, and look up the god like figures. I believe that people should unite without having to depend on religion or opinions of others, we as humans can be strong individuals. We have to believe in ourselves, not go against nature, heal our inner souls; we will have stress free easier lives to live by. What stood out to me the most in this article was the poem at the end. It simply says that our life will end eventually so we must enjoy it while we can. Eat well, bathe, take care of our children, and let the woman be free. I think this sure is the way of life and we can get over every hurdle that life throws at us.