9 Matching Annotations
- Jun 2022
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www.oliverburkeman.com www.oliverburkeman.com
But whichever way you look at it, this kind of control is an illusion.
控制感,只是幻觉。 我们总是渴望对自己的生活有充足的控制感,不愿对未知的将来惶恐不安。 但控制感只是错觉。 「控制感」暗示着一种不可能的全知全能,它隐含着,你处于你的生活外洞悉你的生活,并对你的生活有足够的掌控力。 但是这是不可能的,因为我们永远都只能处于我们的生活里啊。
It's that this is it, right now, with all its odious imperfections – the tasks that remain unaddressed, the messes that haven't been cleared up, the enormous personality flaws that still haven't been corrected. And it's the only place I can ever hope to get anything meaningful done.
此刻实在是不完美得可憎! 任务积累成山,杂物满屋乱堆,我的性格缺陷到现在还没改正一点! 可此刻,是我唯一做成一丁点有意义之事的希望了。
What you need, instead, are tiny goals and a commitment to incremental progress ("small wins"), plus a willingness to encounter failure after failure as you stumble toward improvement. To put it another way: fresh-startism is a form of perfectionism, and as with all forms of perfectionism, the solution is to stop being such a perfectionist – to resign yourself to the fact that things probably won't unfold as flawlessly as you'd hoped.
你需要的,是「小小的目标」、「小小的成功」以及一颗屡败而不馁的心。 fresh-startism,即认为一个「全新开始」能改变一切,是另一种形式的完美主义。
Contrary to self-help cliché, the thing we perfectionists need to learn isn't that we're probably going to experience failure. It's that we've already failed, totally and irredeemably.
perell.com perell.com
Experiences become shareable creations the way tree sap becomes maple syrup.
nage.notion.site nage.notion.site
To put it another way: fresh-startism is a form of perfectionism, and as with all forms of perfectionism, the solution is to stop being such a perfectionist – to resign yourself to the fact that things probably won't unfold as flawlessly as you'd hoped.
nage.notion.site nage.notion.site
Ergodicity means that the ensemble average is the same as the time average. Something being non-ergodic means the opposite, that the ensemble average is not the time average.