- Jul 2023
optimumpatientcareorg.sharepoint.com optimumpatientcareorg.sharepoint.com
Page 2:
Breathing Problems:
Please reformat your breathing problems questionnaire, specify how to complete it.
optimumpatientcareorg.sharepoint.com optimumpatientcareorg.sharepoint.com
- We noticed that we regards to ICS Adherence there is comment 'not applicable', however, the patient is on ICS (please see section Management Options: Patients on inhaled steroid in combination with LABA), therefore, it seems inconsistent with the comment related to inhaled therapy outlined in the section Management Options.
- So the question is: Is the patient actually on ICS?
- Drug list is inconsistent with Management Options considerations.
- Jun 2023
optimumpatientcareorg.sharepoint.com optimumpatientcareorg.sharepoint.com
Page 4:
'Medicines and treatment', please put in grey as a section heading. Please remove the second duplicate 'Medicines and treatment'.
Page 5:
'Future plans and goals', please put in grey as a section heading
Page 2:
Question about breathlessness:
forth point: instead of 'yards', use metric system.
Can the questions be numbered?
Page 2, Question 2:
Label the scale from 1 to 100 for question about the cough.
Page 1:
Questions 2 and 3.
'Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.' repeated twice.
Page 2:
Should there be a section in grey 'Thinking about your cough'?
Currently, it just goes right after the section about flare-ups and treatment.
Page 1:
Thinking about the treatment you received for your flare-ups in the past year:
- Underline 'in the past year'. We just want to make sure that they do not miss 'the last 12 months'.
- Question 1 in the same section: Are you referring to how many times they 'received' the treatment or how many times they 'took' the treatment?
optimumpatientcareorg.sharepoint.com optimumpatientcareorg.sharepoint.com
Overall, it looks wonderful.
We would all want a report like that!
Lung Function:
Sinthia's comment: Strictly speaking it should just be PEF, not PEFR, because flow is a rate.