3 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2021
    1. All domestic dogs routinely possessed this muscle, except for the Siberian husky specimen

      I thought this was interesting. This muscle makes more of the white/sclera of the eye visible. In what situation would a dogs white of the eye be visible aside from when they are scared? How would this be beneficial to the relationship between dogs and humans vs. humans and wolves? I understand that we like to see the whites of the eyes, but how would this apply to dogs whose eyes we do not see the sclera, especially the husky who does not have the ability that other dogs do?

    2. ostensive cues,

      Ostensive means to be direct or to clearly demonstrate. This phrase means that the eyebrow movements are clear and easy to read as well as see which can be why they are so important in our relationship with people as well as dogs.

    3. oxytocin feedback loop

      Oxytocin is a positive feedback mechanism meaning it amplifies the behavior/encourages it rather than makes it stop. So to my understanding this is saying that we are encouraged through the pituitary gland releasing Oxytocin to continue using our mutual gaze and furthering our bonds.

      Reference: https://www.cerritos.edu/rpcasas/positive-and-negative-feedback.htm