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  1. Last 7 days
  2. Jun 2024
    1. No country is an island economically and the way that countries engage with the rest of the world is a key determinant of their development outcomes. The increasing integration of the world—in terms of financial, trade, aid, and other economic flows, as well as health, educational, scientific, and other opportunities—requires an increasingly sophisticated policy capability. So too does the management of the risks associated with increased integration into the global community. The threat posed by pandemics, cyber attacks, financial crises, and climate change and other global developments such as disruptive new technologies like artificial intelligence and robotics, where the price of machines not the cost of labour will determine production location, could derail the best-laid development efforts. Systemic risks have a particularly negative impact on development outcomes, and have negative distributional consequences. The existence of effective policies, or their absence, shapes the harvesting of the upside opportunities and mitigation of the risks arising from globalization.

      all the best

    1. The eldest son goes to the left of the door, and the eldest daughter to the right of the door, both facing south, and all their brothers and sisters bow to them successively. … when this salutation is completed … the children step up to the east and west sides of the door and receive bows from their younger brothers and sisters.” This is how a twelfth-century Chinese manual of behavior for family relationships describes the process for celebrating the new year, winter solstice, and new and full moons. It reflects the Confucian emphasis on order, hierarchy, and discipline, especially the imperative for children of any age to show respect for their elders. Yet Confucius and his adherents had much more to say about children than where they should stand in formal ceremonies. At least for the upper classes childhood was carefully demarcated, with specific instructions for noting birthdates and commemorating coming of age—for instance, when girls could use hairpins (

      why are you coming

    1. In terms of economics, a new pattern may be construed as a new basic structure of the economy, and a new exemplary pattern as a set of principles designed to guide the behaviour of managers, firms, government organizations, and others, which are striving to understand, to develop, and to modify or adapt to such a newly emerging structure of the economy.

      all the best. Do well.

  3. May 2024
    1. ok so please do it

    2. will argue that the social facts about dying necessitate a social model for its care. If one accepts that dying is a social experience with a physical dimension and not a physical experience with a social dimension then a reorientation of practice, research, and curriculum priorities should follow. In the service of this argument, I will first describe how dying in the human sciences has been and continues to be a diverse and contested set of ideas. I will then summarize elements of social experience that characterize most of the competing views and then introduce the 95% rule. This rule demonstrates that most of a dying person’s time is a social time with clinical encounters merely occupying the ever-diminishing 5%. The next sections will describe the social model of health. I will show how this approach directly complements the care of dying by targeting the 95% rule while addressing both social determinants of health and common healthcare goals. Finally, I will focus on the public health movement in palliative care taking care to introduce the core elements that qualify it as the quintessential social model of health that places ‘well-being’ at the heart of what it does.

      please do it. hello