6 Matching Annotations
- Jul 2015
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Lab 2: Mathematical Modeling: Hardy-Weinberg (
10th grade
Lab 1: Artificial Selection
9th grade does actual selection. 10th grade does chi-square analysis.
- Jun 2015
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Demographics data with respect to age distributions and fecundity can be used to study human populations.
textbook reading 36.9- The human population continues to increase, but the growth rate is slowing.
textbook reading 36.10- Age structures reveal social and economic trends.
A population can produce a density of individuals that exceeds the system’s resource availability.
36.5- multiple factors may limit population growth
Introduction of species
Textbook section 37.13- Invasive species can devastate communities.
Not Mathematical
The structure of a community is measured and described in terms of species composition and species diversity.
textbook 37.10- Species diversity includes relative abundance and species richness.