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  1. Last 7 days
    1. Nutrition Health, Food Safety &. Dutch Oven sourdough bread. September 2020. URL: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Dutch_Oven_Sourdough_Bread_2.jpg (visited on 2023-12-08).

      Dutch toast sounds delicious, and I wonder if bread made in a Dutch oven would taste better. Making homemade bread while focusing on nutritious, healthy food safety can also be an enjoyable cooking experience.

    1. The spread of these letters meant that people were putting in effort to spread them (presumably believing making copies would make them rich or help them avoid bad luck).

      In my personal opinion, this shows that people may act irrationally due to superstition or the pursuit of wealth. They may think that copying these messages and letters will bring them good luck or money, so they will spend time spreading them, but in fact, by spreading these letters, they will not get the good luck and money they want.

    1. Jeremy B. Merrill and Will Oremus. Five points for anger, one for a ‘like’: How Facebook’s formula fostered rage and misinformation. Washington Post, October 2021. URL: https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2021/10/26/facebook-angry-emoji-algorithm/ (visited on 2023-12-07).

      I think social media platforms need to manage their algorithms more responsibly to reduce the spread of anger and misinformation. Users also have a responsibility to learn to discern and sift through information and not be swayed by emotional content.

    1. What experiences do you have of social media sites making particularly good recommendations for you?

      When it comes to great experiences with social media referrals, I think Facebook is pretty good. Its algorithms can precisely analyze users' interests and behaviors to tailor recommendations to them. Instagram is also doing a great job of personalizing recommendations based on how users interact with each other and what they watch on a daily basis.

  2. Apr 2024
    1. h6 Reddit. Reddit.com: api documentation. 2023. This is automatically-generated documentation for the reddit API. URL: https://www.reddit.com/dev/api/ (visited on 2023-12-05).

      After browsing the Reddit API documentation, I became more interested in its development and functionality, as it provides many useful tools and resources that can be used to create various apps or perform data analysis. After reading it, I became more interested in the field of programming and data science. I think I need to improve my programming skills so that I can create more innovative products.

    1. Social media sites then make their money by selling targeted advertising, meaning selling ads to specific groups of people with specific interests.

      Regular social media sites like to make money by selling ads to groups with specific interests. This helps advertisers reach their potential customers more accurately and quickly, but it also raises privacy and data use concerns.

    1. Botwatch: for the interest and study of reddit bots. URL: https://www.reddit.com/r/botwatch/ (visited on 2023-11-17).

      I found this reference interesting because it delves into the interest and research of Reddit bots. By observing and analyzing bot activity on social media, we can better understand how they impact user experience and information dissemination. Personally, I am interested in topics related to artificial intelligence and social media. I believe that by understanding how these robots operate, we can better understand the digital world and make more discoveries within it.

    1. Bots, on the other hand, will do actions through social media accounts and can appear to be like any other user. The bot might be the only thing posting to the account, or human users might sometimes use a bot to post for them.

      On social media, many accounts do appear to be run by real people, but in reality, they may be run by bots. As far as I know, these bots can automatically post relevant topics and content, and may also be used by some users to help them post or edit content. Most of these bots are designed to help people manage their accounts or simplify their tasks, but some are used to spread negative information and cultivate negative opinions. Therefore, I think we need to improve our ability to distinguish real users from bots so that we can better ensure the fairness and authenticity of social media.

  3. Mar 2024
    1. Existential ethics: your actions have consequences, but the consequences are unknowable. Even though you desire to do what’s right, there is no objective morality to follow (part of existential angst). You are forced to invent some sort of meaning-giving basis for life that can tell you what to care about. This might include constructing a kind of “morality” to follow.

      My personal view on existentialism is: when facing consequences that cannot be predicted in advance, we must obey our own hearts and choose appropriate actions based on our own personal values and morals. Although we may lack universal moral standards, by establishing our own moral framework, we can give our lives unique meaning and make our lives more meaningful.

    2. Mencius [b14] ~350, China

      Mencius lived at about the same time as Zhuangzi. Mencius's disciple Wan Zhang and other disciples wrote the book "Mencius" in memory of Mencius. Mencius inherited and carried forward Confucius' Confucianism and became a generation of Confucian masters second only to Confucius. He was honored as Yasheng (second only to the "Sage" Confucius) and was collectively called "Confucius and Mencius" with Confucius. Mencius also imitated Confucius and led his disciples to lobby various countries. However, he was not accepted by the various countries at that time, and eventually retired and wrote with his disciples.