28 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2024
    1. tokenism

      “the practice of doing something (such as hiring a person who belongs to a minority group) only to prevent criticism and give the appearance that people are being treated fairly.”

    1. only 11% of those are practicing engineers. Women also have a low rate of retention, with 40% either leaving the engineering field or not entering it at all.

      Use this at the END of the paragraph, leads well ino next section

    2. Although I have had mostly positive experiences as a female engineer, it also takes more effort to prove yourself. I feel there is more pressure to avoid making mistakes in order to prevent anyone from thinking less of you and to show you can perform a job well. After hearing the words of my high school biology teacher “You are too quiet and will not get very far in life,” I continue to prove that women are just as smart and successful as their male counterparts. Hopefully the percentage of women in engineering will continue to increase as the field is becoming more popular with encouragement from others.LinkedInTwitterFacebookPinterest0Email

      Better for part 2 of support

    1. , I’m privileged that these mentors saw my diversity as an asset and not as a deficit

      A problem that happens a lot

    2. “Understanding how society has defined what engineering is, who gets to be an engineer and who was actually in the room when these decisions were made is so important,”

      Understanding what society has made engineering vs. what is can/should be

    3. Dr. Jessica Rush Leeker

      Could try to get in contact with her for an interview?

    4. She explains, “In our class, we’ll get into these issues to bring awareness to some of the structures in place—some of them still in place—that did not allow disenfranchised populations to become ‘normal’ engineers.”

      Some (if not most) of this discrimination stems from bias

    1. Huo Jingnan: The false narrative surrounding 15-minute cities is but one part of a larger sprawling conspiracy theory called the Great Reset. The theory goes that a shadowy global elite — often Jewish — wants to strip away ordinary people's freedoms and make us live a life of deprivation. Under this theory, 15-minute cities are a ploy to take away people's freedom to move around.

      I wanna use this in the essay but i'm not sure if this is really necessary



  2. Feb 2024
    1. "Young and growing tissue is most susceptible to radiation damage." DOWNLOAD PDF VERSION

      Overall, I understand the need for the project, but it's literally terrifying and horrible that they took these remains WITHOUT permission...like what

    2. a stillborn baby's legs were removed by researchers in the UK, and the mother told that she couldn't dress the baby for the funeral, to conceal from her that her legs had been taken for the project.

      HELLO???? anyways... the bizarre examples can connect to why the theory seemed so crazy

    3. "But I do say that it is a matter of prime importance to get them and particularly in the young age group. So, human samples are of prime importance, and if anybody knows how to do a good job of body snatching, they will really be serving their country."

      reading this feels SUPER messed up... but it works for the essay

    4. n 1955, the US Atomic Energy Commission came up with a plan to collect human tissue and bone, particularly that of children, in order to carry out ethically-dubious experiments that wouldn't be known about fully and publicly until 40 years afterward.

      Summary of the "theory"

    1. “The reason there’s so many gay people now is because it’s a chemical warfare operation, and I have the government documents where they said they’re going to encourage homosexuality with chemicals so that people don’t have children,” he said on his broadcast in 2010, according to NBC News.Five years later, the theory took a turn. In a rant that has since become a meme and a line of t-shirts, Jones said he didn’t like the government “putting chemicals in the water that turn the friggin’ frogs gay.”

      Not gunna quote everything highlighted, but this is a basic rundown of the situtaion

    2. Chemicals in the water are turning frogs gay

      The not so negative of an impact theories, just weird

    1. . And we've seen harassment and threats based on conspiracy theories targeting climate scientists and meteorologists for years.

      These theories could play into the why we make these theories, either out of fear or not completely understanding something

    2. Moreno says he's gotten death threats, and so have other scientists and researchers.

      the effect of these theories.



    1. pretending

      A bit more about 2020 election

    2. Some people acting as if the election conspiracy theory were true assembled in Washington, D.C., some stormed the Capitol building and, behind the scenes, some developed a scheme to submit fake slates of electors supporting Trump’s reelection despite his loss at the ballot box.

      I lied, i'm using politics, this is a perfect example of how theories can go horribly

    3. Whether out of sincere belief, partisanship, loyalty to Trump or financial opportunism, many Americans behaved as if the 2020 election was unfairly decided.

      More ways to fit politics into the essay, even if it's brief

    4. In fact, previous studies have shown that people who tend to rely on their intuition and who have negative emotions toward vaccines are more likely to refuse vaccination.

      the effect of the theories

    5. often takes the form of pictures and videos purporting to illustrate disturbing side effects of vaccines.

      The cause of the negative effect with vaccine theories

    6. This can also take a negative form, as in political attack ads that aim to associate an opponent with threatening imagery and descriptions

      Could go more in depth with political theories (if word count isn't reached yet)

    7. However, many of people’s actions are guided not by explicit beliefs but rather by gut feelings.

      Could also be useful when explaining why we make theories

    1. begins with being skeptical and suspicious about why Anthony Fauci wants us all to get vaccinated

      Gives an answer to they "why" people make theories in the first place. Suspicion leads to theorizing (but it can get out of hand)

    2. Democrats and Hollywood elites are Satan-worshipping pedophiles who eat babies and steal elections

      Could look into these theories more and find any "harm" (using the term harm lightly) that stemmed from these theories

    3. Why

      I mean..the title says it. why do we come up with conspiracy theories