12 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. Hogwash. You need to learn to listen. The kind of listening you need to learn is not passiveabsorption, like watching TV; it is critical listening. Critical listening means that you are not justhearing but thinking about what you are hearing. Critical listening questions and evaluates whatis being said and seeks key concepts and unifying themes. Your high school curriculum wouldhave served you better had it focused more on developing your listening skills rather thandrilling you on test-taking.

      I completely agree and I think this is why students that performed good in High School aren't doing so good in college.

    2. Your teachers were held responsible if you failed, and expected to show that they had tried hardto avoid that dreaded result. I am not held responsible for your failures. On the contrary, I getpaid the same whether you get an "F" or an "A." My dean will not call me in and ask how manyconferences I had with your parents about your progress. Indeed, since you are now an adult,providing such information to your parents would be an illegal breach of privacy. Neither will Ihave to document how often I offered you tutoring or extra credit assignments. I have noobligation whatsoever to make sure that you pass or make any particular grade at all.

      YOU are responsible for completing work not the professor.

    3. For you, citationsand bibliographies are pointless hoops to jump through and you often treat these requirementscarelessly. Further, our differences on the issue of giving or taking proper credit accounts for thefact that you so seldom take plagiarism as seriously as I do.

      Annotations are overlooked but are just as important as the work itself.

    4. First, I am your professor, not your teacher. There is a difference. Up to now your instruction hasbeen in the hands of teachers, and a teacher's job is to make sure that you learn. Teachers areevaluated on the basis of learning outcomes, generally as measured by standardized tests. If youdon't learn, then your teacher is blamed. However, things are very different for a universityprofessor. It is no part of my job to make you learn. At university, learning is your job -- andyours alone. My job is to lead you to the fountain of knowledge. Whether you drink deeply oronly gargle is entirely up to you.

      College is completely different from High school, you were pushed to learn and now that you're an adult you need to take the initiative to learn. As this knowledge will be used for our careers.

  2. learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet02-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet02-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com
    1. at the beginning of EACH WEEK, you should FIRST take the Walk Through VIDEO tour with meto get a general sense of the NEW WEEK'S course work

      This will ensure you are up to date with all assignments.

    2. students are still responsible for completing ALL required course work

      Students aren't forced to complete work if they aren't in the right state, it is better to withdraw from the course.

    3. WHERE does our ASYNCHRONOUS class take place?

      We meet on blackboard collaborative.

    4. you MUST know HOW TO USE Blackboard BEFORE you start the course

      Being proficient in Blackboard is key to being successful in this course.

  3. api.onedrive.com api.onedrive.com
    1. "late" work, the grading period will also belonger or delayed

      Handing late work will result in delayed grade/grading.

    2. Submissions can be made as long as anassignment remains open—NO LATEPENALTY

      You will not be penalized for late work for longer assignments, shorter assignments may close faster on blackboard.

    3. Expect grades for longer Assignments and Examsat least 10 days after the assignmentDUE/CLOSING Date

      Don't email the professor requesting to know your grade on an assignment because you will receive it *AT LEAST 1O DAYS AFTER.*

    4. Minimum four OR MORE pages required for eachfull Essay—typed, double-spaced, Times NewRoman, size 12 font—work that does not meetthese basic college level criteria will not bechecked

      Essays that don't follow the correct format will not be graded.