235 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. The Sacred Prostitute and Other Plays by Mina Loy

      If we want the subtitle in italics, The Sacred Prostitute needs to be in normal font and/or inverted commas

    1. Poets at Play: An Anthology of Modernist Drama


    2. where

      do we need "where"?

    3. Sex and Character


    4. refer to the anxieties about masculinity and femininity both in biology and culture at the time

      For better reading I would suggest: refer to contemporary anxieties about... I would delete "at the time" at the end of the sentence

    5. look out:

      look outside, onto the streets

    6. (1907)

      insert comma after (1907)

    7. Fiorenza


    8. –the

      spacing right here?

  2. openbooks.lib.msu.edu openbooks.lib.msu.edu
    1. consciousness

      perspective instead of consciousness?

    2. also

      do we need this?

    3. The Creative Evolution


    4. s/of crest and claw/from/

      see previous comments

    5. /o

      consistency: spacing and /

    6. /o

      see previous comment

    7. rie/ of

      consistency; spacing and /

    8. d /

      consistency issue with / and spacing throughout the notes: I suggest a space before and after /

    9. s-

      the dash should be longer and separated from magazines here

    10. who


    11. on


    12. parole in libertà


    13. parole in libertà

      see previous comment

    14. parole in libertà
