- Oct 2017
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Africa was for the black man, and America was for the white man. He seemed to have forgotten the brown men who were here long before either of our ancestors. He told a white woman, who was holding a sign promoting peace, that she was a race traitor, and despite her wide hips, he’d be willing to show her what a real man was all about. He spouted racist theories about the testosterone levels of black women and the difference in brain sizes between the races. I was unnerved; he truly believed what he was saying.
This quote is talking about the racism that went on in Charlottesville with the VA students. This is a good example of the racist and sexist things that people believe to be true despite science proving them wrong time and time again. This students account for some of the things that happened at this protest are wild. There are examples of rape culture in here too. I have never been a victim of racism, but I have had unwanted sexually violent things said to me by other people and it is always upsetting to know that these things happen to others in many many different situations. This is important because it highlights the idea that racism is not a problem by itself, there are other issues that come along with it.
People fly into the air as a vehicle drives into a group of protesters demonstrating against a white nationalist rally.
I would like to annotate the picture, but I cannot so the caption will have to do. This is such a wild concept. It is hard to believe that in this day there are some people that think harming others is ok. It is even harder to think that in our society we don't really bat an eye at this kind of picture that is available to the public so easily. There has been so much violence in the news and media that I believe there has been a desensitization to things like this picture. Charlottesville is just one of the many places now that have come to represent unjust and senseless violence in America.
www.cbsnews.com www.cbsnews.com
The White House would not attach a staffer's name to the statement.
When I was in high school I did yearbook. Every time the staff would start to get lazy or sloppy with the pages out advisor would threaten to put our names on the pages. We enjoyed the anonymity that came with the pages because we were all too embarrassed by the idea of people being able to call us out directly if there was a mistake. This is what the white house was doing here. They didn't put a name with the statement having to clarify that the president denounces violence from hate groups. They probably did that either to protect themself from the wrath of the president, or because they didn't want to have to deal with questions such as "Why couldn't the man have said it himself? Is it really that hard to say that the KKK is bad?"
"His failure to address what really happened in Charlottesville, and the role of white supremacists, I think also sends a message that he is not recognizing the real causes of crises even within our own country," Panetta said.
This statement is something that I believe is overlooked by many people. People are too quick to say that there is violence, but I don't believe people actually take a step back and ask why it is happening. This really reminds me of the quote "Those who do not take a stance in times of injustice stand on the side of the oppressor". This makes me believe that Trump does not truly care about the violence and the harm that it causes. He is concerned about keeping people down so he can rise above in shady ways.
"If you're not outraged you're not paying attention."
This quote is something that I have heard in the past but in various forms. This is saying that if a person does not see the inequality in the world, and the deplorable situations that people have to deal with, they really are not looking at the whole picture. If they really were seeing all of that, they would not be happy to sit back and let others suffer. This is significant because it evokes a lot of emotion in people. I have seen people get very defensive when this quote has been said to them, and they were not outraged by the state of affairs. They immediately turn it back on the person who said it and say that they're wrong, that things are fine. This is a quote that gets people upset because they don't want things to change, probably because they are in a position of privilege.