5 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. TMU studen

      Multimedia - Good All audio and video content includes captions, transcripts and disclaimers available. No one is limited from accessing all the content the site provides.

    2. The Eyeopener

      Design Change - Positive

      When viewed on different devices, such as tablets, phone and desktops. The layout seems to be very adjustable, which is crucial for cross-device accessibility.

    3. News Campus News Student Politics Features Arts & Culture Communities Sports Recaps 2024 U Cup Business & Tech Fun & Satire Editorial Multimedia Podcasts Photos Video Special Issues Leave

      Alt Text - Inconclusive

      According to Accessible some photos are missing alt text, which can be a major issue and potentially creates challenges for those visually impaired who rely on screen readers.

    4. The Eyeopener Toronto Metropolitan University's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1967 News Campus News Student Politics Features Arts & Culture Communities Sports Recaps 2024 U Cup Business & Tech Fun & Satire Editorial Multimedia Podcasts Photos Video Special Issues

      Navigation - Good

      At the very top of the website, the menu structure is clear and simple, with large buttons. The site is very straight-forward, which makes navigation easier for users who may struggle or need assistance with motor impairments or those using screen readers.

    5. Toronto Metropolitan University's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1967

      Colour/Contrast - Good

      For the majority of users, including those who might have visual impairments, the text font's colour choice (dark blue/white) and the contrast it creates between the text and background are highly accessible.