52 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2022
    1. Still, it is exactly the inner reconciliation of unilateral forgiveness thatis behind the recent advocacy of forgiveness as an individual, psycho-logical project to be promoted in psychotherapy

      main criticism


    1. In her day, buying an international ticket on short notice was an unforgivable act of extravagance, reserved for transcontinental gangsters and film stars.

      I find this interesting and something that is definitely generational. Today I have the same view point as his mother in that buying an international flight on such short notice is something only held for the wealthy and the careless. I would be too anxious to spend that type of money.

  2. Mar 2021
    1. It prohibits the dissemination of “[a]ll information, no matter how acquired during the course of employment with the county,” unless it has previously been made public.

      right here is the restricting of sharing of information

    2. The policy’s stated goal is promoting clean government, including by prohibiting employees from accepting most gifts, participating in political activities during work hours, and using county property for personal reasons.

      how does it promote clean government if everything happening is confidential and there cannot be a whistleblower

    3. ethics policy was not developed in response to news coverage and is not designed to prevent leaks.

      I am confused how this is an ethics policy

    4. whistleblower protections.

      I didn't even realize the impact this could have on people who need to be able to speak up against problems. When they do, they could be sued with these regulations.

    5. ssentially turn almost everything learned on the job into the equivalent of classified information

      Why would they need to do this?

    6. Not to friends. Not to family. And not to the press.

      Great start right here in how these people are being limited.

  3. Feb 2021
    1. You may not use Twitter’s services to share false or misleading information about COVID-19 which may lead to harm. 

      Right off the bat this brings into question freedom of speech and restrictions. Can this be considered the idea of yelling "fire" in a crowded theater. Where does twitter have the right to limit speech in this manner.

    2. replies,

      This one I do not understands, likes can result in it becoming viral, retweets cause it to spread, why replies? You can tag specific people in the replies? Concern the person posting will be harassed? Where is the open dialogue to discuss the post more as encourage above?

    3. Reduce the visibility of the Tweet on Twitter and/or prevent it from being recommended;

      So they shadow ban the posts.

    4. where we do not require the removal of content

      At what point does it become required!?!?!??!

    5. we are enforcing this policy in close coordination with trusted partners, including public health authorities, NGOs and governments,

      There is a conflict of interest with the government aiding in the regulating. People who see the government as a threat/hiding things could feel targeted by the gov. role in regulating posts. Also, does the gov. have the right to limit the speech, especially in a country that advocates for free speech.

    6. so long as the claims don’t misrepresent research findings.

      What role to companies play in this regulating of the conversation? What power do they have in ensuring their research findings are protected.

    7. Personal anecdotes or first-person accounts. 

      I feel as though this is a double edged sword, someone's first person account can be misleading or falsified to create misleading information.

    8. Counterspeech

      How is there a platform for counterspeech if everything that is "false" is likely removed.

    9. Strong commentary, opinions, and/or satire, provided these do not contain false or misleading assertions of fact.

      So strong opinions that go against the "official commentary" with opposing ideas that may not be based in science are banned. Got it

    10. nascent.

      TBH I do not know what this word means and I feel as though I would not be alone. Should the language used in information policies be dumbed down so that any level can understand them. Remove the legalese!

    11. False or misleading affiliation

      This is the only one I see as appropriate, it is generally illegal to begin with to fake being a doctor. Again though, who vets these accounts.

    12. Local or national advisories or mandates pertaining to curfews, lockdowns, travel restrictions, quarantine protocols, innoculations, including exemptions from such advisories or mandates;

      I would love more information about this. I have had a hard time finding specific state and law regulations about it. Having been told by my dad that I could be stopped by the police for entering NH from MA without a reason such as an appointment.

    13. Preventative measures such as hand-washing, proper hygiene or sanitation methods, or social distancing; 

      I keep hearing an ad about these wipes that supposedly kill the Covid-19 virus and think back to those who ate/inhaled chemicals thinking it would help kill the virus. I get worried people are going to be showering in these wipes.

    14. Personal protective equipment (PPE) such as claims about the efficacy and safety of face masks to reduce viral spread; 

      However, there is not enough science about the efficacy and safety of certain types of face masks. The jury is still out on this one for what types of masks are the best and most effective.

    15. that are approved by health authorities but not safe to administer from home;

      Do they remove these or just label them???

    16. develop adverse symptoms on the basis of their nationality

      Not so much nationality, but race does play a part. African Americans are at a higher risk due to lower quality of care and resources that are provided to them, along with a slew of medical misconceptions that have been place in the institutions of health about African Americans.

    17. False or misleading information about the nature of the virus.

      How up to date is the information that they are limiting? They have the criteria for what would cause a label/removal, but how often to they update this criteria with the ever growing new information about Covid-19

    18. In order for content related to COVID-19 to be labeled or removed under this policy, it must: 

      This criteria is very grey for the line between labeled and removed. At what point does it become something needs to be removed? Who makes these decisions.

    19. In addition, we may label Tweets which share misleading information about COVID-19 to reduce their spread and provide additional context.

      Why remove some and only label others? Where is the benefit in limiting the voices of the people, when you could mitigate it like they are for others?

    20. which left uncontextualized can prevent the public from making informed decisions regarding their health, and puts individuals, families and communities at risk.

      This makes an assumption that there is a problem with what these people are saying that, although not founded in science, may appeal to a specific public and make others think in their own way. The information shared though conspiracy theories and alarmist rhetoric can play a part in the making of an informed decision. It is important to make aware that these ideas have no scientific backing, but not limit them

  4. Nov 2019
  5. inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
    1. Gordon gave her a seed packet of California poppies

      poppies are used to make opium, wouldn't this be confiscated?

    2. Are you . . . still engaged?”“He’s dead,” I said

      she kill him?

    3. “It’s O.K. to make a promise,” London said to Gordon, as if summarizing for the teacherhow life actually worked, “but it’s not always a good idea to keep one.

      this is a perspective of life i've never really thought about. from a young age we are told breaking promises is bad, but in reality it can be that keeping it isn't a good idea

    4. He wasn’t looking for anything among the womenin Stanville.

      yet, he found an specific interest in her and her appearance

    5. worked with people from death row

      why teach people on death row? especially is they are sentenced to death, what use is the education, what hopes do they have for the education on people that are never leaving the system?

    6. He has to recognize ten sheep.

      fun fact sheep can recognize human faces

    7. But after he walked away my cellmate,

      interesting to change the POV in characters to one of the inmates. not exactly clear at first though that there is a change in characters

    8. Through our own recovered innocence we discern the innocence of ourneighbors.”

      this is so powerful in the different things it could mean. having been done wrong, we are more aware of those who can not relate, but also through gaining innocence again and correcting our faults we can see who there is to relate to and who has also faulted themselves.

    9. What was itabout shoulders? Why did law enforcement fear them?

      i relate to this so much with school dress codes and the apparent fear that shoulders are inappropriate

    10. Kids in cages telling him stories about their fosterhomes, about sexual abuse, all kinds of abuse

      there is such a common thread between these inmates, and it is only really identifiable by someone in the midst and actually listening to the stories of these children

    1. "It was a picture of a vagina that somebody was slashing with a knife. Daddy wasn't in the picture, but-"

      could she be referring to prior sexual assault by the father that is being ignored due to him being on the death bed?

    2. he was tall, handsome, and well developed, while his opponent was short and flabby.

      the first description sounds like the neighbor, while the other is the father. wonder if this is supposed to play at her insecurities and wish that her father was still their to protect her. despite the after math of him attacking her

  6. inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
    1. When u laguehd when I asked if you were a virgin was it because youd fucked somany guys

      he seems clearly drunk here and unable to let go. it does seem very different from the previous image created of him

    2. But then, a month later, she saw him in the bar—her bar, the one in the student ghetto,where, on their date, she’d suggested they go. He was alone, at a table in the back, andhe wasn’t reading or looking at his phone; he was just sitting there silently, hunchedover a beer.


    3. But then he was kissing her, throwing her bag and theircoats on the couch and ushering her into the bedroom, groping her ass and pawing ather chest, with the avid clumsiness of that rst kiss.

      what happened to him not wanting to do stuff because she is drunk?

    4. with a few akes of snow coming down.

      this is very Harley-Quinn romance feeling, as it is preceding their first ever actual kiss. curious about the intent of making this more Harley-Quinn where as the rest is not

    5. But now, when she said that about the movie, he winced a little, and a totally differentinterpretation of the night’s events occurred to her. She wondered if perhaps he’d beentrying to impress her by suggesting the Holocaust movie, because he didn’t understandthat a Holocaust movie was the wrong kind of “serious” movie with which to impressthe type of person who worked at an artsy movie theatre, the type of person heprobably assumed she was. Maybe, she thought, her texting “lol r u serious” had hurthim, had intimidated him and made him feel uncomfortable around her. The thoughtof this possible vulnerability touched her, and she felt kinder toward him than she hadall night.

      there is such an insecurity that we start to understand in Margot here. the reader really gets an insight into the fact that she doesn't seem necessarily experienced with relationships, and is anxious about doing anything wrong that might scare him away. It also shows an anxiety about her own interpretations of Robert's emotions towards her.

    6. “I’m just a little tired.”

      this is oddly accurate to how females respond when they don't want to admit something is wrong and ruin the mood

    7. bout u,

      like the use of text-slang here

    8. kissedher gently on the forehead,

      this could also be a more friendly gesture, the story does not necessarily make that the intent. yet that does not mean she interpreted the kiss properly

    9. You managed not to insultme this time.”

      it is hard to find the sarcastic tone in this line compared to the one before that would result in him asking for the number.

    1. in a sober rage

      this is interesting since it reverses the idea of "drunk rage" and gives an insight into the personality of the father

    2. All of us, Indian and white, arehaunted by salmon.

      curious about this significance of salmon...

  7. inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
    1. Is death thesame for everyone, or is this laughing world a death made just for me? How can I knowfor sure?

      This part made me question about the titles relation with the place she is in. Approaches the idea that the afterlife is your perception of how you died. For her, it is everyone laughing at her for her life being a joke.