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  1. Last 7 days
    1. Incel. December 2023. Page Version ID: 1188569777. URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Incel&oldid=1188569777 (visited on 2023-12-08).

      I didn't know that the full name of Incel stood for involuntary celibate. I was aware of the definition due to memes, or videos about the topic, but not the full name of it. The general definition is a male who is unable to get a partner/relationship, despite wanting one, and often they become bitter and blame women. There is a female version of the term: Femcel, which means the same thing however for women. I'm pretty sure theres a Reddit community for both versions, since it has become pretty prevalent within recent years.

    1. But Lauren Collee argues that by placing the blame on the use of technology itself and making not using technology (a digital detox) the solution, we lose our ability to deal with the nuances of how we use technology and how it is designed:

      I agree with this sentiment. In this day and age is is nearly impossible to avoid technology, and even if you did you would lose out on a lot of experiences that your peers may have. I grew up with free reign on technology and got to learn and experience a lot, even with a few drawbacks.

  2. Apr 2024
    1. BBC. YouTube aids flat earth conspiracy theorists, research suggests. BBC, February 2019. URL: https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-47279253 (visited on 2023-12-07).

      This is definitely an example of echo chambers, but also how recommendation algorithms can really influence how someone experiences social media. It can lead to a pipeline, like in this article how the people interviewed were suggested flat earth videos after watching conspiracy theory ones.

    1. Phone numbers or email addresses (sometimes collected deceptively [k1]) can be used to suggest friends or contacts.

      I usually try to keep apps from getting my contacts lists, but sometimes they end up reccomending people I know. It's pretty scary how they can have access to your info, even if you try to keep it away from them.

    1. Liftware - Eat with confidence. URL: https://www.liftware.com/ (visited on 2023-12-07).

      I think this is such a cool empowering product. It lets people with parkinson's disease to regain a sense of normality, which can be really important. One question I have is if there is a way to make this product without the tech, such as having the rubber part be filled with liquid or a weight. Possibly this way this product can be cheaper/more accessible to people.

    1. ADHD [j11]: we have difficulty controlling our focus, sometimes being hyperfocused and sometimes being highly distracted and also have difficulties with executive dysfunction [j12].

      I think I have ADHD, I haven't been tested/diagnosed, but often I do find myself hyperfixating on things when I shouldn't be. Or I also have trouble prioritizing things too, like once for my design final I focused way too much on trying to export my photo when I should've got the printing done ASAP, since the jpg was not due until later.

    1. Social engineering (security). December 2023. Page Version ID: 1188634196. URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Social_engineering_(security)&oldid=1188634196 (visited on 2023-12-08).

      This is kinda scary that people go as far as, and know to use people's sympathy/humanity to get important information. Like, if security questions didn't exist that would make it worse. Some people even use fake crying noises, dog barking, etc. to try and distract the phone operators, to get information more easily.

    1. Password reuse attacks, where if they find out your password from one site, they try that password on many other sites

      I didn't know how drastic having a password compromised is, even on a dummy account. I just thought it would be self contained on one website. This makes me want to change most of my passwords to stronger things

    1. Nicole Nguyen. Here's Who Facebook Thinks You Really Are. September 2016. Section: Tech. URL: https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/nicolenguyen/facebook-ad-preferences-pretty-accurate-tbh (visited on 2024-01-30).

      Its so creepy that they collect all these pieces of data about you. No matter how vague or random, examples in the article range from circle to what political party you prefer. The crazy part is it follows you to other websites too and relays back the information.

    1. So, if an advertiser sees their ad is being displayed on an Amazon page for shoes, then the advertiser can start showing shoe ads to that same user when they go to another website.

      Whenever I google something with a potential product I get ads about that product for like days. It's pretty creepy since I try to keep them from tracking me. I guess it is hard to keep them from doing it.

    1. 4chan. December 2023. Page Version ID: 1187992915. URL:

      They are mostly known for trolling, but also are famous for solving mysteries or finding lost media. I've seen a lot of videos about things like that where the timeline for finding lost medias span from months to years, and with somewhat organized groups too, within the 4chan community.

    1. pranks

      I remember when I was a kid prank videos would be popular and they were funny and usually harmless, but nowadays I see pranks that are borderline cruel or sometimes faked.

    1. MeToo movement. November 2023. Page Version ID: 1186677616. URL:

      I remember this movement and sometimes hear people refer to it to this day. I believe this is because it was really important, since before it, there had never been such a widespread event that supported the victims of abuse. I think it helped a lot of people speak out about their situations/truama because alone they may not have any power against the people in Hollywood.

    1. Eventually, users discovered that it was a fictional show, and the girl giving the updates was an actress.

      I remember seeing a youtube channel a while back having a similar format. It had originally been mundane, but branched out to being supernatural. I feel nowadays these types of content hae been popularized: childrens' content, analog horrors, etc.

    1. Comedy Central. Drunk History - John Adams and Thomas Jefferson Had Beef. February 2018

      This video goes over the relationship between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, but in a drunk fashion. So basically they were good friends, even worked together to draft the Declaration of Independence, however after Adams became president they began having disagreements and turned against eachother. This all leads to Jefferson becoming president. they continue to fight and avoid speaking to eachother. Years later, Adams writes a letter to Jefferson and they both reconnect, become good friends again, and end up dying on the same day.

    1. For example, ads in mobile games make the “x” you need to press incredibly small and hard to press to make it harder to leave their ad:

      I absolutely hate that designers do this. You can almost never avoid actually clicking on the ad since they're not only designed to discourage you, but to also get you to download their app. Its like those email lists that make it hard to find the unsubscribe button.

    1. Shannon Bond. Elon Musk wants out of the Twitter deal. It could end up costing at least $1 billion. NPR, July 2022. URL: https://www.npr.org/2022/07/08/1110539504/twitter-elon-musk-deal-jeopardy (visited on 2023-11-24).

      I remember before it was named X, Elon Musk complained about Twitter censoring him and other people. Then he would go into negotiations with them to buy Twitter. Then there was news going around where he wanted to opt out of the deal but it would cost $1 billion, which of course never went through because now he own the app and its called X.

    1. Can you think of an example of pernicious ignorance in social media interaction? What’s something that we might often prefer to overlook when deciding what is important?

      One example oof perniciuos ignorance is when people support problematic people, who have evidence against them. They choose to overlook it because it's their favorite celebrity or influencer, but overlooking the bad side harms the victims.

    1. Red Panda Every Hour! [@RedPandaEveryHr]. Red Panda Every Hour! (@RedPandaEveryHr). December 2023. URL: https://twitter.com/RedPandaEveryHr (visited on 2023-12-02).

      I feel that bots like this are harmless and can bring joy. Judging by the 235K followers people really enjoyed this bot, until it stopped running. It's last post being on Jul 9, 2022. I also noticed that the posts seemed to repeat the images, sometimes in a pattern and other times randomly. On the link of in the bio the page seems to still run though, and it has a wider range of red panda photos.

    1. click farm

      For me the click farm reminds me of factory workers and dangerous labors, although, of course, not as dangerous. I also feel it allows for child labor to be exploited or justified because it is safer than working in dangerous conditions.

  3. Mar 2024
    1. Nihilism

      There is a subcatgory of nihilism called optimistic nihilism where the idea of nothing mattering is liberating. As result, many optimistic nihilists look for fun without feeling the need to have a complex reason for it, other than just having a good time.

    2. Existentialism

      I feel like young teens are prone to following the nihilism framework. I certainly had a short phase of it in middle school, which now I believe has evolved into existentialism. Truth is that we're all on a floating rock in space.