19 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2020
  2. May 2019
  3. developer.lightbend.com developer.lightbend.com
    1. use the following configuration

      Add this to application.conf, which is usually in projectRoot/conf.

  4. Jan 2019
    1. <pre rel="HTML"><code markup="tt" class="language-markup">

      I would omit this. It looks like a typo.

  5. Oct 2018
    1. <matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot at 0x10aef19d0>

      At bottom, I suggest adding "When you are done with this notebook, close the current browser window/tab."

    1. Table of Contents

      It wasn't clear that I needed to go through "How to use this cookbook" before clicking links in this TOC. I wound up installing jupyter, instead of using MyBinder. D-:

  6. Jan 2018
    1. path

      You may need to add this at the top of the file to use the path library:

      const path = require('path');
    2. You'll need to tell the Dev Server what to serve.

      The text below goes in webpack.config.js .

    3. The single & will tell most systems to run the command before and after it in parallel.

      This doesn't seem to work with Windows 10.

    1. enable some module system

      For commonjs, add this to the compilerOptions section of your tsconfig.json :

      "module": "commonjs",

    1. > test

      Enter reload (no quotes) first.

    2. include this file

      Place before the script tag for fastops.js .

    3. fastOptJS

      Case is important. The S is capitalized.

    1. 'ground'

      The first ledge platform uses the same 'ground' texture as the ground platform uses.

    2. ground

      This is the ground platform at the bottom of the screen. The name is a bit confusing, because it is the same as the 'ground' texture (initialized in preload).

  7. Sep 2017
    1. import dom.document

      The order of imports is significant. Here, dom.document references the dom imported at the previous line.

    2. create a method

      Place these lines inside the TutorialApp object (before the final closing brace).

    3. npm install source-map-support

      Type exit in sbt before running npm.

      Further, my npm issues a lot of warnings concerning package.json, license field, etc. It seems OK, though.

      Run sbt again after npm finishes.