19 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2023
    1. The constant barrage of abuse, including death threats and threats of sexual violence, is silencing people, pushing them off online platforms and further reducing the diversity of online voices and opinion. And it shows no sign of abating.

      major claim

  2. Jan 2023
    1. text-based tools in the context of telework also reported increased perceptions of feeling overloaded, while those reporting increased use of videoconferencing tools did not.”

      Semi face to face(video call) results in less stress then texting/emailing

    1. What is the situation that prompted the writing of this text? What was going on at the time? Can you think of any social, political, or economic conditions that were particularly important?

      The context is the foundation of the argument. An argument with no context is a novel with no plot.

    2. What does the author assume their readers know? What does the author assume about readers’ age, education, gender, location, or cultural values?

      The author's ability to identify and asses their intended audience is the "make for break" when if comes to having and reciprocated message and engaged audience. The audience also determines the author's vocabulary

    3. who it is trying to persuade, and when and where it was written.

      An argumentative essay is when the author is trying to persuade the audience the think on their side or agree with them. Before reading the rest of the chapter I wonder what components differentiates persuasive and and rhetorical analysis? I think it's the intended audience.

    1. If we feel we are being manipulated

      Are knowingness to be manipulated breaks the line of trust but I believe the author’s ability to manipulate the the audience unknowingly has the potential to strengthen their argument. This could be through the use of lying about credibility or sharing false facts both practices that are common on the internet

    1. Goodwill and respect distinguish a good argument from a rant which gives vent to the arguer’s feelings

      If a reader feel disrespected within an argument they will completely tune out of the information the author is trying to convey

    1. any negative characterization of a group raises ethical questions

      This perspective reminds me a debate when students at HBCUs were explaining that they feel more comfortable with African American teachers. I believe they fear characterization within academic settings

    1. So how does a writer create a sense of intimacy with a reader they will probably never meet

      Within fiction books authors are able to place readers into their world creating intimacy. I think this is why readers are so attached to character and the story it’s self

    2. As a representative of the law, they represent the government and the interests of the people as a

      Ore personal question but what would our government look like is judges were to preside over a courtroom with a trustworthy and intimate demeanor? Maybe this is some thud a judge during mediation should practice?

    1. A euphemism is a substitute neutral-sounding word used to forestall negative reactions. For example, calling a Nazi concentration camp like Auschwitz a “detention center” would

      I’ve been told death is one of the most common terms with multiple euphemisms. Euphemism can be deceptive and used to manipulated the tone and emotion to the authors intended message.

  3. human.libretexts.org human.libretexts.org
    1. Tone refers to the overall emotional

      In my opinion tone is one of the most valuable tools in the writing toolbox it contributes to the overall message of the text. If the author is unable to convey their intended tone the entire message would be construed

    1. inductive reasoning.

      This is almost a more mature definition of educated guess or using background knowledge

    2. circular reasoning or "begging the question

      Circular reasoning is a major contributor to redundant or ineffective argument.mi haven’t read on but I would like to know if there are anyways to prevent circular reasoning? Maybe stronger vocabulary?

    1. phrases that have multiple definitions

      There is a point of view is sociology that the language you spoke at birth determines you view if the world. Relating it to ambiguity, sometime there are places in the English language that uses different vocabulary. People from these different place may interpret arguments different due to language inconsistencies

    2. critique can point out the ambiguity

      Ambiguity is one of the first thing a reader check while criticizing a piece of text. Often we do it subconsciously while trying to understand what we are reading.