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  1. Last 7 days
    1. Americans pull themselves up by their bootstraps. Work is a moral endeavor. Those who work hard get ahead. “And people get very suspicious and get very angry,” Ms. Handley-Cousin said, “about the idea that some people aren’t doing that.”

      My main takeaway from this quote is, if you work hard, you will be successful. That is true when it comes to many things. However, when if comes to the livelihood of marginalized groups of people… Not so much. I have seen individuals work extremely hard and not reach the level of success that matches their work ethic due to discrimination, lack of resources, and no support. This quote makes me sad due to the context that it is being used in.

    2. In Washington, “able-bodied” has retained its moral connotations but lost much of its historical context. The term dates back 400 years, when English lawmakers used it the same way, to separate poor people who were physically incapable of supporting themselves from the poor who ought to be able to. Debates over poverty in America today follow a direct line from that era.“The basic point is that the physical distinction always implies a moral one, and that’s why politicians use it,” said Steve Hindle, the interim president and director of research at the Huntington Library in San Marino, Calif. He finds it not surprising but “profoundly sad” that so few politicians think about the lineage of the term.

      I have had several conversations with friends and family about the phrase “the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer. We don’t get to choose the family we are born in. When you are born into a poor family with no resources you are already at a disadvantage from birth. Impoverish stricken individuals focus is survival. They do not have the skill set and educational background to land a job where they can afford healthcare and nice housing. Understanding the phrase above is crucial for developing policies to create a more equitable and inclusive society.

    3. These so-called able-bodied are defined in many ways by what they are not: not disabled, not elderly, not children, not pregnant, not blind. They are effectively everyone left, and they have become the focus of resurgent conservative proposals to overhaul government aid, such as one announced last month by the Trump administration that would allow states to test work requirements for Medicaid.

      In my opinion as a DCFS Child Welfare Specialist, I believe benefits should be made eligible to all. The term “able-bodied” is just not inclusive. There is no equity in education, housing opportunities, medical care and etc. to simply allow individuals who are able but suffering to go without support.

      Mental health, for example, is often under treated and can be truly debilitating in impacting someone's job performance or attendance. I believe not everyone has the learned coping skills to deal with adversity and self-maintenance and need assistance to help them with survival and change. I believe the assistance should be guided, monitored, goal oriented and be programmatic so that we see progress and not stagnate their dependency without giving the skill set to achieve personal growth. I do believe adjustment should be made during the time the assistance is being utilized. I see many able-bodied individuals that were born into poverty and has zero support and need assistance just as much as a person that has a disability.

    1. To understand how social justice is defined in the field of social work, I conducted a conceptual review of the literature. A conceptual review, which is not an exhaustive search of all the literature that exists, seeks to synthesize an area of knowledge as a means of providing a clearer understanding of a concept (Petticrew & Roberts, 2005). It aims to elucidate key ideas, debates, and models of the concept under investigation (Nutley et al., 2002).

      I really love this method. it is important to understand how others perceive a concept.

  2. Jun 2024
    1. Congress required the recalculation of the Thrifty by 2022 and every five years thereafter, declaring the Thrifty should be “based on current food prices, food composition data, consumption patterns, and dietary guidance.”

      This update is awesome!

    2. The real purchasing power of the Thrifty, which was last updated in 2006, has been unchanged since 1975, when its real value was tied to the 1962 Economy Meal Plan.

      The fact that power of thrifty has been unchanged since 1975 shows conservatism.