3 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2023
    1. If enough people appear to have similar questions in the readings, the instructor will see this as a sign to spend some extra time the following day in class clarifying the points of most frequent and/or serious confusion.

      I really hope this occurs frequently throughout the quarter. I think it's really cool that us students can have an impact on what content is being reviewed during lecture, and I think that this will not only motivate students to be active on discussion assignments, but it will help content understanding as well.

    2. Many students fall into a trap of using these questions as a last second study guide, cross-referencing with a key and mentally checking off that they understand a topic, because the answer choice "makes sense". Beware, if you are falling into this trap, you likely have a false sense of the depth of your real understanding.

      I fell victim to this mindset in a past class, and I can say from personal experience the statement "because the answer choice "makes sense"" is very true in how many people see reviewing study guides. Reviewing a study guide that way is not so much understanding the material as it is memorizing the correct answer for a very specific question (which you are not likely to be asked about on an exam) .

    3. This will ensure that you are ready for discussions and that you can make the most of your time during class. We do not expect you to be an expert before lecture, but we do expect you to do the pre-reading and by doing so make yourself familiar with the required vocabulary and spend some time thinking about the concepts that will be discussed. We will build on that basic knowledge in lecture

      I've previously had a class that had pre-lecture assignments and quizzes, and I found that they tremendously helped my understanding of what was being taught in lecture. I'm curious to see if the same will happen this quarter as well. I'm also curious to see if other students find pre-lecture assignments beneficial or tedious?