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  1. Dec 2023
    1. Haiti never had another leader like Toussaint L’ Ouverture. Instead, the men who ruled the country were more like Dessalines.

      They had numerous dictatorships

    1. The solution was simple, then: take over the trade network by force and establish a monopoly on the spice trade not only in terms of Asia with Europe but also within Asia, too. The trade network was shifted to new areas so that some established centres like Cochin went into decline and others like Goa rose. Missionaries spread the Christian faith. Plants and animals were introduced to new places, often causing unforeseen repercussions in habitat and upsetting the balance of local ecological systems. Diseases spread in all directions to find new victims.

      1. 1453 came the fall of Constantinople, conquered by the Ottoman Empire, and so one of the principal land routes for spices into Europe was lost. This was one more reason for Reasons European merchants to find their own access to the spice trade routes and, if possible, achieve control of their production at the source.
      2. By circumventing the Islamic traders who dominated the trade in the spice markets of Aden and Alexandria, Christendom would not have to give its gold to its number one ideological enemy.
      3. Discovering new agricultural land to grow cereal crops would help reduce trade deficits. There was, too, the real prospect of acquiring prestige and riches for the European elite and those mariners who dared sail into the unknown. Finally, the feudal system in Europe was degenerating as land was parcelled out in ever-smaller pieces to generation