16 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2018
    1. This source made me aware of the nontraditional system in New Delhi and the focus of the Australian system on family support first through preventative measures. Overall, it's valuable because of the various methods discussed and introduction to new ideas such as preventative care.

    2. encourages the older, more responsible foster daughters to care for their younger foster siblings.

      To me, this method practiced in New Delhi combines kinship care and orphanages. It is an institution, but the older kids care for the younger ones like a family would.

    3. been a focus on helping parents understand how best to cope with their parental responsibilities, working within a framework of early intervention services.

      Australia's policy is placed here as directly opposing America's methods. A new idea of how to respond and where to focus services is introduced. Right after this sentence the burn-out of social workers is mentioned which is another topic of interest regarding foster care systems.

    4. relies on a “child safety” approach, meaning that when an agency identifies a child as at-risk, they are quickly pulled out of the home and into the system.

      This quote gives the reader background information about the typical practices in America and Canada. It also allows the question of whether or not there is a better method to be posed.

    1. Degarmo notes that one of the major differences between industrialized and developing nations is the role of government assistance and regulation. A brief mention that Australia's foster families are financially compensated much more than American families and the issue of aging out reflect that these three problems are some of the most prevalent while discussing foster care improvement.

    2. Japan is the lack of aftercare provisions. For those children who have aged out of the foster care system, they have little to no support, and often are completely on their own.

      The issue of aging out has been expressed in multiple articles. Ultimately, this issue is clearly an international one and needs to be addressed as one of the main places for improvement in foster care.

    3. Lack of available health care, adoption organizations and governmental aid for families and children are the reality.

      This looks at the macro-level issues that influence foster care. Often times, a lack of other resources affects people individually and the larger institutions.

    4. compensation varies widely from one U.S. state to another, and from one industrialized nation to another.

      This quote challenges the reader to examine why there is such variation within our country and also internationally. The value comes from the topic of compensation as an aspect of foster care to improve upon.

    1. This article's main value comes from the fact that it shows how there are efforts globally to improve foster care systems in a collaborative way. Exchanging ideas between non-profit and child welfare specialists can have a lasting impact on our communities.

    2. “the staff – from director to cook – has all largely been there for ten or more years.  That is stability, especially for kids who don’t have to get used to a new social worker every six months as in the U.S.” 

      This was one of the main realizations from this article. More long-term staff provide comfort and stability in a child's life and is something America should try to implement.

    3. SEE is a diverse network of Russian and U.S. civic experts and social entrepreneurs engaged in a meaningful exchange of ideas and best practices to produce positive change in the lives of citizens in both countries. 

      Foster care is not just an issue within America. It is a global issue that deserves international collaboration to discover the best practices.

    4. orphans and children in abusive homes could only go to one place: an orphanage. However, orphanages in Russia were underregulated,

      This quote identifies some past problems Russia has faced with it's child welfare system. It allows the reader to acknowledge the history and recognize the improvements made.

    1. A separate source I have is a video about aging out in Canada, so I thought this would be a great article to compare America's aging out policies. Aging out is another one of the issues surrounding foster care that I think I'll focus on in my paper because through researching, I've seen that it is a really big part of the experiences faced by youth in the system. I can also look into the different solutions being proposed and why or why not they may be established.

    2. Congress enacted the Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008. This law permits states to receive federal support for young adults who remain in foster care through age 21, while they are working or pursuing education and training.

      This fact allows the reader to understand solutions being enacted. Overall, the article begins with stating the various issues and results faced by foster youth, and ends with a look toward future solutions.

    3. For example, adults without a high school degree have an unemployment rate of 8 percent, compared to 5.4 percent for those who have one.

      This relates to the previous annotation. It shows a result of the various challenges faced by young adults, access to education, and how youth in foster care are effected differently.

    4. As it is, wages are low, education is expensive, and the labor market remains very difficult to break into for low-income young adults.

      These various struggles are expressed to point out what exactly young adults are facing in America. It's important to not these because then you're able to look at how they effect various marginalized populations, such as foster children.