18 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2017
    1. It does not impose itself on me; it is, rather, a definitive structuring of the self and of the world--definitive because it creates a real dialectic between my body and the world.

      This perception of differences was not forced onto people, wasn't created necessarily, or purposely. Rather, it was just there. Something that is just really an idea, or thought process had enough power to control how people saw themselves. Controlling such a personal matter.

    1. fact, Lincoln's proclamation did not free any slaves in Union territory, but rather promised freedom to those slaves in Confederate hands who could reach Union-controlled territory, or who could wait for the Union to reach them

      So manipulation of feelings and mindsets? Showing that they were doing something but nothing took action. This didn't really happen but they depicted as if it did.Thats what they wanted us to believe. As if their words had more than just face value, sadly these words were just words.

    1. heir youth shrunk into tasteless sycophancy, or into silent hatred of the pale world about them and mocking distrust of everything white;

      There are two sides to dealing with racial scrutiny, one, you can let this be empowering. A constant reminder of what your unchosen place is in the world becoming your source of motivation. Two, letting hate for those who didn't choose their place either, overcome you. And eventually holding on to hate is like tying.

  2. Mar 2017
    1. ely, because of the greater reality of the things in front of his eyes­what do you imagine his reaction would be? And what do you think he'd say if he were shown any of the passing objects and had to respond to being

      This to me is a realization that we all have to come to at some point in our life. Considerably the single most pivotal moment for a person, and I think its important to understand that most things in life have the ability to be a facade. To realize that not everything we experience is trustworthy. The reaction is a scary part, to realize everything that we have trusted fully without question has the possibility of being wrong. It is almost as if the foundation of this world being torn up and you having to start all over. It is a scary sense of insecurity and vulnerability.

    1. ems to be anfr-Platonic. In fact, the theoret

      I found this interesting, because to me it suggest that the more one thinks, and tries to explain what he does not understand the further away from the conclusion he gets. He must become active in the sense that he must use his already attained knowledge to 'verify' what is to be learned.

    2. He does not teach his pupils his knowledge, but orders thern to venture intotheforest of things andsigns;to say what theyhave seen ahdwhattheythirtk ofwhat theyhave seen, to verify it and haveit verified

      As Ranciere uses the audiences perception of theatre for example, being active in what we are learning, my claim not using just one sense, is the only way to beat ignorance. Being passive, just using one sense such as sight, is a passive way of learning and experiencing what is in front of you. Objects just as paintings evoke emotion and therefore create personal connections. Not just simply explained for you, theatre was suggested to go in the way that play writes did not explain it all in order to make the audience less passive and actually give the a roll in the interpretation of the play.

    1. not masks that were put on and taken off, but the assign­ment to each individual of his 'true' name, his 'true' place, his 'true' body, his 'true' disease

      This theme has occurred for the entire length of human history, up until this very day. Encouraged to reveal our true selves, the different and strange were lead to believe safety and acceptance were awaiting them but judgement and intense discrimination followed instead. They were subjected to the thoughts that their 'true' selves were less than. Decided by individuals who created a universal judgement.

    2. Because it is possible to intervene at any moment and because the constant pressure acts even before the offences, mistakes or crimes have been committed. Because, in these conditions, its strength is that it never intervenes, it is exercised spontaneously and without noise,

      This is very familiar to relation to the Evil eye, the all seeing eye. Follows you everywhere, watches you constantly yet you are hardly ever aware of its presence. This is comparable to to the roll of our government tracking us through the little camera in our computers, following our car gps', tracking our back accounts...panopticism has not diminished but evolved

  3. Feb 2017
    1. Consequently fear of the present leads to mystification of Regents of the Old Men's Alms House by Hals (1580-1666). Regentesses of the Old Men's Alms I-louse by Hals (1580-1666). the past.

      The assumption of truths in the past, clouds our judgment of the present/future, in the past we always relied so much on someone else's knowledge. It created an atmosphere for skepticism, and people were less inclined to debunk previous ideas. Even if these ideas were wrong, it clouded their current judgment. When the past should be used as stepping stone so to speak, a guidance in discovery.

    2. If we accept that we can see that hill over there, we propose that from that hill we can be seen

      This is purely interesting to me because I find myself people watching and I will think to myself, "if I can see them, they must be able to see me, I should stop staring". Also brings up and interesting conversation about perception, a difference in vision

    1. ion from light to darkness, arid also, in;;the transition from darkness to .light, If he,t-0ok the same facts intci consider1:1tion 'wh

      A theme continuing from in my first essay, being how easily the eyes are tricked, and in this passage "confused". For prisoners who have spent time in the cave and above it, will question, and be suspicious all things now that they have two different experiences to pull from. Having a constant in ones mind, which one is the truth, which one ins'? This debate can go on and on and on, in every aspect of our world.

    1. No doubt you have had the experience of walking at night over rough ground without a light, and finding it necessary to use a stick in order to guide yourself.

      I think this says something about humans ability to adapt when most needed to, in the simplest of forms. More focused on sight, when we cannot see something we go for the next 'best' thing, in this instance touch. However I also think that certain times call for certain senses.

    2. inventions which serve to increase its power are undoubtedly among the most useful there can be

      This is true, these inventions based off of our most basic senses, have unlocked many doors in science and have caused many revelations. That without understanding the basis of our senses in the first places would not have been imagined.

    1. deanthropomorphized

      I found this word and its meaning, raising a lot of questions for me...For people who see but do not take advantage of the power that vision has, are deanthropomorhized. Sad to say that this is my claim for most of the world.

    2. how vision can be understood following that method and it alone, which was based on the prior existence of ideas innate in the mind.

      So do we "see" things before we really "see" them? Do we have these pre-existing thoughts that only become when we are faced with them involving our physical senses? and then only then do we recognize and understand them?

    1. If it isn't what "they say" then it is wrong and holds no validity. You are not allowed to even have any opinion against "Holy doctrine"

  4. Jan 2017
    1. Overall I thought this reading was interesting. Plato, gives the eyes a certain power that struck me really hard. You can look at these organs from many angles and on the surface, and biologically they are just organs but in this reading Plato's explanation dove deeper into the creation of our human bodies, subsequently giving them much more meaning. I really liked that specific angle.

    1. Even the dila­tion of the pupil can unintentionally betray an inner state, subtly convey­ing interest or aversion to the beholder.

      Plato discuses the power of the eye, not only it being a "window of the world" but also a "mirror of the soul" but what is interesting is that Plato refers back to the biologically of everything stating above. Our human biology kinda gives us away.