40 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2019
    1. Intersectionality is thus a critical lens for bringing awareness and capacity to the social justice in-dustry in order to expand and deepen its interventions.

      I disagree with this point. its attempting to connect intersectionality to social justice, its community, and state that more support will be gained for the community if it simply gets more supporters. In my opinion, thats how you end up with many, many people in one group that have no idea what its truly about (which is actually the current state of politics). I feel that the necessary course of action is to combat the stated definition of intersectionality, and remove the mob mentality from social justice to instead educate all on why matters are or aren't correct.

    2. Intersectionality is a concept that enables us to recognize the fact that perceived group membership can make people vulnerable to various forms of bias

      This is a very important concept in conducting live research, especially when using statistics. many factors go into determining the responses gathered for a statistic, and its important to account for bias when available. In this example, its saying that people that are simply members of a group cause them to believe the same claims by other members and group leaders. Bias is also identified by koshino in the proctor conducting interviews at a school, as people respond differently to different interviewers.

    3. Rising expectations brought about by the remarkable shift in the national political arena have heightened the need to rethink standard approaches to social justice advocacy.

      This statement is a good framework for needing a community. This introduces the "why" for the community's need for social reform, and also introduces the issue. Glum introduced her community's issue by talking about why her friend was moving, and relates to this parralel method.

    1. hating rich tourists simply for flooding the place with money

      even though this is not the point of the piece, the statement still has significant purpose. I feel this way because the tone of the claim is very passive aggressive, a way for her to inadvertently state her opinion that's wholly off topic. I know this because i actually do this.

    2. “There’s nothing, really,” she says, “I mean, the political climate has been hard. But also it’s just the Bay. Inviting people out to Stinson is easy; getting people to visit me when I have nowhere to host them is harder.”

      This statement is very interesting. in san francisco, its very hard to to have get-togethers in any type of ample space. The community she's appealing to here can sympathize with this statement to better udnerstand the circumstances that she is writing this piece in.

    3. She’s moving out of the San Francisco Bay Area, where we have both lived since we were kids.

      this sentence highlights the community the author identifies with, and creates a community for which she represents. This is important because in our research papers, we need to identify ourselves to the reader. This is done in kosino's piece as well.

    1. “If you get hands-on and they’re really interacting with what they’re doing, it’s really helpful,”

      The community here is still teachers, but its a simple but helpful note. the issue is that students aren't interacting at all with the assignment. To correct this, teachers allowing students to manipulate the curriculum will create a more responsive environment.

    2. Projects can often last for several weeks, so students need motivation to stay engaged and committed to deeply engaging a topic.

      This comment targets students and their study habits. The issue is that they become very unmotivated. I truly agree with this because there are many assignments that i'm not very well accompanied with. If a student isn't fully immersed in an assignment, the true meaning of it can't possibly be brought to it's full capacity.

    3. Educators have lots of ideas about how to improve education, to better reach learners and to give students the skills they’ll need in college and beyond the classroom. But often those conversations remain between adults. The real test of any idea is in the classroom, though students are rarely asked about what they think about their education.

      This sentence target educators (teachers and faculty alike) and the issue is that they all have these ideas but do not put them into action in any shape way or form. I feel this way because so many teachers are uninspired and boring and go with the script because in the end they're there for the paycheck.

    1. With the unwavering commitment to social justice that is central to the work of the university

      *Unwavering love for its history.

    2. niversity’s direction and role as an urban institution and its commitment to its historical legacy

      This school sucks the dick of everything that happened in the past and feels the need to honor it 24/7 while not pushing for the new age of world-changing minds to be stimulated enough to make more history.

    1. Courage propels our willingness to be different and unique

      This is the only statement on this page i agree with. its jsut stating the definition of courage.

    2. Courage creates the condition and chief outcome of an education of substance

      i disagree. courage is the willingness to accomplish your chief outcomes despite the conditions necessary to meet.

    3. Courageous scholars form fruitful and respectful partnerships with local and international communities while submitting academic insights to the test of practice, forming new knowledge.

      This may be the mission, but the curriculum for sf state does not reflect this ideal in any way.

    1. Even as scientists elucidate the role of sleep, it is not always clear how to do it right. For example, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that preschoolers get 10 to 13 hours of sleep each day, including naps, but does not say how that time should be carved up.

      I it realistic for an being to get more than 6 hours of sleep, uninterrupted? its better to portion sleep based on activity.

    2. In the blink of an eye, in evolutionary terms, humans have radically altered a fundamental biological necessity — with repercussions we are still only beginning to understand.

      sleep is something people only seem to value when necessary. But who wouldn't? one of the most human fears in life is time. people have achieved the impossible: getting more time. by sacrificing sleep, you can have more time in your life to experience more. seemingly.

    3. In the screen-lit bustle of modern life, sleep is expendable.

      I don't necessarily agree with this, however i'm a guilty abuser of sleep: its easily expendable but for some reason my daily tech goof-offs aren't. a very interesting concept.

    1. The reason is clear. State funding for higher education has plummeted. It’s down 18 percent per student, adjusted for inflation, since 2008, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. The financial crisis pinched state budgets, and facing a pinch, some states decided education wasn’t a WB_wombat_top priority.

      State funding for college has fallen, and tuition has risen. Students either accumulate a lifetime of debt or simply cannot go to college.

    2. Those college graduates have to come from somewhere, of course, and most of them are coming from campuses that look a lot less like Harvard or the University of Michigan than like City College or the University of Texas at El Paso.

      This is another very interesting concept. A lot of the colleges stated above are the bottom of the barrel colleges that everyone disses, yet there is a lot of upwards mobility for those that achieve their success there.

    3. More recently, these universities have seemed to struggle, with unprepared students, squeezed budgets and high dropout rates. To some New Yorkers, “City College” is now mostly a byword for nostalgia.

      It seems that in a modern society, the working classs is becoming more reluctant to go to college for the weak payoff of hard work and would rather go straight into working, as it saves time and accumulates money faster.

    1. My mom laughed for real this time and said, “Mamita, you don’t really have a choice.”She didn’t say this in a mean way. She was just telling me the truth.

      Its very crucial that the message was received in the correct context. This situation could spiral out of control if the child did not udnerstand what their mom meant by "you don't have a choice" while being abandoned for college.

    2. “They sure are!” I chirped back, learning via the cues of my hallmates that I was supposed to want my family gone.

      THis piece is very interesting. the confidence exuberated by the authot is remarkable as most students would be embarassed beyond belief.

    3. “Now, parents, please: Go!”

      this is what they did at the SFSU orinetation. isntead of having the parents leave, they had us leave and tour and also choose our classes. the parents were forced to listen to a 5 hour long speech.

    1. Some public policy experts believe the definition should be narrowed for admissions and financial aid.

      What does some public policy experts entice? the definition is something dangerous to play around with in the purposes of admission for people will then choose the identity that is most beneficial.

    2. It may seem like hairsplitting

      I don't really understand what this remark means. it might mean something synonymous to threading the needle or a hyperbole therein of itself.

    3. Depends on Who’s Asking

      despite the context the articale provides, i disagree. I believe that the identity of your generation is a conglomerate of your physical and digital footprint along with your identity. This means that your identity is yours to choose, however you can't identify with a generation that you haven't left a significant footprint in.

    1. that expertise in the form of role mastery involves a combination of both explicit and implicit knowledge.

      I also agree with this. this means that its impossible to understand a subject by simply understanding what to do with it. You need to know why it works. It makes me think of the example; you can't master an iphone by knowing how to use it, you need to know why it works and what makes it tick.

    2. Faculty members began with very clear expectations about the amount of time students should commit to coursework.

      I believe that using predetermined estimates for a class' performance are the best way to ensure that your class will NOT follow them. If you present expectations for students based on past students, they'll feel too constricte and push the limits of your deadline. rather its better to look at the present student's conglomerate efforts and decide what is best to help them succeed and learn.

    3. e developed a parallel set of interview questions for the faculty and student groups with identical questions for all of the student groups. Th

      its very important to keep all variables in an experiment the same. This means that while the questions were the same, the same interviewer would have been necessary to compare the response of the students. the occupation of the interviewer would also matter. students respond better to other students, and teachers have a lack of respect for students so they'd give better response to other teachers,

    4. Unless we assume that grades are completely determined by prior preparation and personal skills, there must be other elements of academic integration that influence GPAs.

      This seems like a simple concept, but its very true. GPA's are a very very rough image of a student's relevance to their efforts, and in my opinion need a factor of citizenship added to allow more weight, like this class.

    5. By comparing separate faculty and student focus group discussions, we highlight the similarities and differences between faculty members' expectations for students and students' understanding of those expectation

      As a student who very often opposes faculty, the main reason i appose faculty is for not understanding what they want out of me. It's very interesting in a zoom out perspective because faculty members very rarely know that students don't understand.

    1. Make sure your paragraph/essay  is not too wordy.  Check for excess words.  Keep it simple!

      This is a good tip but it provides no context for what excess information is. Rather, the rules should be to look for ways to concise information; you wrote it so obviously it has value to you.

    2. This is why. . .

      this rule can be broken to make the reader feel dumber for not understanding a concept, thus making the claim superior, simple, and significant

    3. Number rule:  Write out 1 - 10; start numbers at 11.  Never start a sentence with a number.

      the way you write numbers can depict different attitudes. writing out grammatically a large number can add value to quantity.

    1. I would argue that the best way to learn grammar is through the practice of writing

      This comment is crucial yet very simple: the only way to actively explore your writing voice is to experiment.

    2. Real Rules: The basic structural constraints that form the foundation of standard English, such as articles precede nouns: “the apple,” “the elephant,” “the computer,” rather than “apple the,” “elephant the,” “computer the.” We aren’t conscious of these rules most of the time when we write, and we generally only violate them by pure accident.

      The point of this article is to fully understand the rules of english in order to successfully break them. That's the best way to garuntee you have a unique voice in your writing.

    3. Studies will be done, and they will have their validity questioned. Rallying cries will be raised, and they will fall on irreverent ears.”

      This comment relates to the relevancy of how research doesn't truly change in its purpose or goals.

  2. Feb 2019
    1. Emerging from SF State’s proud history

      a very vague statement... theres not much proud history besides protests...

    1. SF State equips its students to meet the challenges of the 21s

      No, the students equip the students. The resources available are all student run to help students.

    2. SF State encourages its students, faculty, and staff to engage fully with the community and develop and share knowledge.

      Its pretty mf interesting that its encouraged we interact with our community, however our president thats stepping down doesn't.