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  1. Oct 2024
    1. become addicted to gambling, and nobody thinks you inject a pack of cards into your veins.

      That is true. When people think of addiction they will always think of alcohol or drug addictions when addiction can be more than just physical but also bad habits or methods

    2. higher purity

      That's really impressive and interesting. However, I also heard that people still developed addiction even if the drugs are "safer" and "cleaner" than the ones you would find on the streets.

    3. VietnamWar

      This is the first time I heard that there was some sort of drug addiction during the Vietnam War

    4. They mostly shunned it,

      That impressive the rats knew right away what was wrong with the water and would avoid drinking the water.

  2. Sep 2021
    1. And I put in my motionthat there was prosecutorial misconduct and police misconduct and judicial misconduct.There was a crazy line in there about how there's no conduct in this county,it's all misconduct.

      When Bryan states all these misconduct that would be justifiable in others states. Alabama says there one one type of conduct, there aren't multiple conduct. If states like this can't change there justice system will there be an hope for a young child?

    2. I start thinking, well, how did that happen?How can a judge turn you into somethingthat you're not?And the judge has certified him as an adult, but I see this kid.

      There are different views on how people see kids some will see them as an adult. In some states it really depends on the age. Some ages are justified like be tried at the age of 17 or 18 because you are legally an adult, but then you have states like this where a 12 yr old can be trialed as an adult. This further proves why the justice system is injustice.

    3. .Ultimately, you judge the character of a society,not by how they treat their rich and the powerful and the privileged,but by how they treat the poor,the condemned, the incarcerated.

      If a person was only treating the a rich and privilege's person they would be critics for not helping those who are in need/in a dire situation. There are so many organizations and rich people who have enough money to help the needy yet they don't do it and when they are good deeds that these people committed they are never mentioned or their is a hidden meaning to it.

    4. , "Mmm mmm mmm."She said, "That's going to make you tired, tired, tired."(Laughter)And that's when Ms. Carr leaned forward, she put her finger in my face,she said, "That's why you've got to be brave, brave, brave."

      When Bryan stated he was lawyer for convicted for 13 and 14 when he was at and organized event Mrs. Carr said that he will be tired as a result of his work, but at the same tie you must be brave because if he isn't brave he will lose his cases for these children.

    5. "There's no way, with our history,we could ever engagein the systematic killing of human beings.It would be unconscionable for usto, in an intentional and deliberate way,set about executing people."

      In Germany they wouldn't think of killing people because they believe it was for them unconscionable. The irony is that they had a history of killing Jews in Internment Camps, perhaps this is why they don't have a death penalty

    6. The lose of his grandmother closely people had died from alcohol she fears that her grandchildren will follow the steps as her family died. This was her identity.

    7. I think identity is really important.And we've had some fantastic presentations.And I think what we've learnedis that, if you're a teacher your words can be meaningful,but if you're a compassionate teacher,they can be especially meaningful.

      Identity is important because it is who you are when he mention you can be a teacher words are meaningful, but if you are compassionate teacher they can be extra meaningful to your students. When it comes your identity it depends on what you want to be and will it be impactful to others.

    1. We are reinforcedto think of ourselves asembodying the right values, as living in ways thatare at least justified, if not superior.

      A little pit of pride and arrogance when it comes to human being thinking that we are better than everyone else because we are 'right'.

    2. would likely not have admitted to at the time. (Now I try to do better, but as a personraised in New York, I have difficulty. And you willcertainly have noticed that even thatadmission expresses a value associated with beingsomeone from New York.)If we reflect on the stories we tell about ourselves,both to others and to ourselves, wemay well find out things about who we are that complicatethe view we would prefer tobe identified with.

      Reading about a certain topic again, but with a different point of view allows us to see why would a person write about this topic and why is it so important to them in order to fully understand the writer intention.

    3. How could we value something and yetnot admit to ourselves that we valueit?

      Certain topics are sometimes controversial that we would have people who would agree and disagree, those who would disagree won't bother to pay attention to it compare to a person who would agree with the topic.

    4. Some of thevalues we express are not values wewould necessarily want to acknowledge

      Even if we do try to prove a point about certain circumstance that we would want to change the audience would not always agree and would put the blame on the author instead.

    5. Each of those two lines add a dimension to the storythat wasn’t there before

      Gives more depth to the story

    6. How we portray ourselves the audience will get an idea of how they see us.

    7. This value is not necessarily amoral value, but a way of being that Iwant to see myself as living, a way of being thatI consider valuable for myself and seekto associate myself with.

      How would we try to portray ourselves even if its now accurate.


  3. Aug 2021
    1. Alec had Type 1 diabetes, a serious condition that is manageable with access to insulin and proper supplies.

      I also have Type 1 Diabetes so I know what it like to have this and the struggles on what happens if I don't inject the proper insulin in my body.

    2. Background Info: Alec has type 1 Diabetes and must be treated with proper insulin, but after reaching the age of 26 he was no longer under the care of his mother and could no longer gain insulin unless he was had a good health insurance.