3 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2022
    1. As a starting point, consider how the re-sources you can access at your university and the spaces you inhabit in your daily life

      This just seems like more working with souces?

    2. Each of these ways of using particular tools to answer a question you have are different kinds of research methods.

      There are different methods that you can use for research

  2. Jan 2022
    1. In the thesis-first model, a researcher would likely only encounter sources that argue for her pre-existing belief: that harsher penal-ties are needed. She would probably never be exposed to multi-ple perspectives on this complex issue, and the result would just be confirmation of her earlier beliefs. However, a researcher who begins with an open-ended question motivated by curiosity, whose goal is not to prove anything, but to discover salient ideas about a human rights issue, has the chance to explore different thoughts

      This is very good to remember. Use open-ended questions to get more in-depth answers.