9 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2023
    1. ven so, more stay-at-home parents are female rather than male

      Even if the mother works full-time, she is usually left to handle most of the burdens of family-life. Stay at home moms are often bashed for "not working" or supporting the family, when in fact, if she did not stay home and do that domestic labor the family would have to spend tens of thousands of dollars a year on child-care, food, and cleaning. It's also a 24/7 job with no breaks. A parent who works outside of the household may be working very hard, but they still get to leave the home, maybe listening to their choice of music or podcast during their commute, have conversations with fellow adults that don't revolve around their children, and get a 30-60 minute, un-interrupted lunch break.

    2. Globally, most rapes don’t lead to legal convictions.

      People turn a blind eye to rape, world wide.

    3. families stricken by poverty often opted to kill their first or second child if it was a girl, due to the fact that girls bring in less income,

      A daughter is not seen as equally cherished or valuable as a son. But, this isn't inherent to their gender. The divide is caused by the gender roles assigned to boys and girls that makes boy more "valuable"

    4. Getting married that young robs a child of their education and childhood, replacing it with  the duties of marriage. In addition, child brides have more health complications and maternal mortality.

      Girls are not seen as valuable for anything other than marriage and reproduction.

    5. FGM causes nothing but painful complications, including extreme pain, infertility and trauma.

      Barbaric methods of controlling women's sexuality is still preformed around the world under the guise of tradition.

    6. A human being’s right to live should be respected

      Thousands of women a year are murdered by their own families in order to "restore honor"

    1. connect ideas across several sentences in order to increase sentence variety and improve writing.

      Connecting sentences can make the writing easier to read / flows better.

    2. She slowly turned the corner and peered into the murky basement. Slowly, she turned the corner and peered into the murky basement.

      You DON'T have to always start the sentence with the subject. Sometimes it is more effective to start with an adverb, prepositional phrase, or verb.

    3. I have achieved several goals. I have helped increase funding for local schools. I have reduced crime rates in the neighborhood. I have encouraged young people to get involved in their community.

      Avoid choppy, repetitive sentences in your writing.