- Jul 2020
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
Do we want a bunch of credulous students? No, it is harmful!
I analogize this word and the following blocked quote with something I call the beautiful ugly. Ugly because necrotizing conjures awful, frightening images. There is beauty in the blocked off paragraph because there is inherent truth! Who wants an educational system where there is no synthesis, just a propagation of stale, "dead" ideas, untested by teachers and students?
ivory tower isolation,
crucial words, crucial IMAGE
is efforts must be imbued with a profqund trust in people and their creative power.
This is the basis of creation: first respect, then trust!
anking concept of education in con-junction with a paternalistic social action apparatu
very provocative manner of expressing patriarchal hierarchies.
the less they develop the critical consciousness which would result from their intervention in the world as transformers of that world.
And isn't this truly what the goal of transformation is about? To be perfectlly honest?
Knowledge emerges only through invention and re-invention, through the restless, impatient, continuing, hopeful inquiry human beings pursue in the world, with the world, and with each other
Just as pearl emerges from sand irritating the inside of an oyster. Nacre slowly builds.
vessels! such an apt analogy!
The student records, memorizes, and repeats these phrases without perceiving what four times four really means, or realizing the true significance of "capital" in the affirmation "the capital of Para is Belem," that is, what Belem means for Pard and what Para means for Brazil.
formulaic, non-generative thinking
motionless, static, compartmentalized, and predictable.
This will lead to students feeling alienated, reality is not fixed.
- Apr 2020
netmirror.arganee.world netmirror.arganee.world
Say it ain't so. Book reading is considered frivolous. I shall fall on my sword.
- Feb 2020
clalliance.org clalliance.org
co-learning and co-creation that transforms a public commons.
This is really something! I think we learn a lot by interactive learning and doing things together. It raises the bar for the digital public commons!
The Textransformations installation serves as an open invitation to reflect on the transformation of textuality from analogue to digital form. Laced throughout the Textransformations installation are hotspots marked by QR codes. Each hotspot is a clue to new forms of textuality and digital storytelling. The viewer is invited to use their cell phone to search and interact with the installation. Scan these hotspots to discover the influences and forms of narrative transformation. In the far corner installation web, the participant can also compose (or remix) former literary texts anew. Cut-up poetry, and black-out poems become a living wall of further transformative reflection.
I saw the video re: this. So great! It was so creative & thought-provoking. Linking the digital to the analogue is a great way for us to bridge our knowledge about both & interact with both simultaneously. Using your phone with the card catalogue is just brilliant and the visual representation really keeps you thinking and fully engaged. The red threads!
www.jowr.org www.jowr.org
Focused associative generation processes
Can't an counter-argument at least be tentatively be posited that by jumping from hyperlink to hyperlink a writer would lose his/her focus in his/her writing assignment.
Theoretically, hypertext writing might be a better candidate than linear writing to stimulate knowledge transforming activities (Lohr, Ross, & Morrison, 1995; Yoshimura, 1998).
At this point, I am not quibbling with this theory; however, the authors are not making it clear what "hypertext writing" physically entails. Is it a matter of inserting links or writing code? The authors say a lot about the hierarchical nature of hypertext writing & how it may be beneficial but I need to know WHAT they mean. Research should define its terms upfront even if that is in a footnote.
hypertext writing is treated as a complex practice with potentially important pay-offs.
This goes to my point below. If it is a "complex practice" how can it be learned by the students in 20 min?
The students in the hypertext writing condition received brief technical instructions about how to construct hypertexts (20 minutes) and then, in lesson 5, they wrote their argumentative texts in a hypertext format (70 minutes).
What does this really mean? Are all the argumentative pieces going to be coded in HTML format? I don't think that's possible. If the HTML text is embedded into a Word doc, how much free (uncoded) text will be included? I also have serious questions about how learning HTML coding can be done in a short lesson, 20 minutes?
Hypertext writing
The authors aren't defining their term. I know that they mean a document that is going to contain hyperlinks, but will the students be coding using HTML?
- Jan 2020
netmirror.arganee.world netmirror.arganee.world
Does the computer hear us as we talk in our sleep??? https://youtu.be/JmGMzyajA2U
clalliance.org clalliance.org
wrote a piece on integrating digital literacy and civic engagement in schools
Civic engagement is key. It is important educate young people on different viewpoints & encourage them to explore further on their own. This concept of civic engagement is important because it empowers young people -- they have a stake!
The key, for me, is not in browsing a hashtag randomly, but in getting to know individuals over time, and understanding their contexts and the nuances behind what they tweet and post on their Facebook status, and then also by being thoughtful and intentional about what we ourselves write and share and amplify
Well said. Many people are hashtag-consumed and then fail to take a deeper dive into the experiences of the live people that are behind that hashtag. Again, empathy is key!
then also trust what they say in a 140-character tweet and can engage with them deeply, through layers of context.
Excellent point. I would add that gaining empathy cannot be dropped to the side as soon as we encounter a belief that is contrary to our own. Everyone is entitled to their opinions and we should try to empathize with them and not reject them wholesale because such opinions are unpopular. I see a lot of unnecessary improper netiquette on Twitter and it disheartens me at times.
of what we share
As an American, I have seen many of us take freedom of expression for granted; there is no doubt, that people in restrictive regimes can be punished (without our even knowing about it) for their opinions.
This is essential. Many do not involve themselves with the situational realities of the "other" until they themselves become "other"
Paulo Freire
Paulo Freire's theory on oppression is solid and extremely important. However, it becomes untenable for me when it traverses into the territory of espousing Marxism, which I do not view as a viable method of organizing government.
I think skepticism is necessary because it is important that we examine both sides of a given proposition or government structure. However, it is only a first step.
- Oct 2019
“I get on the mini-bus,” I write. “I emerge from the taxi,” and then it is I calling the neighbors, and I am nearly hysterical with worry as I wait for their response.
Mounzer mimics the paragraph above, where she described her reader. Now she is doing the same things. She is both a narrator and a participant.
pack their whole lives into vans and cars,
Amazing how lives can be fit into tiny spaces. Mounzer uses such a stark juxtaposition of images and this makes the reader sit up and pay attention.
scaffolding of language
An important image, language being used as a barrier against pain.
. In the considered, deliberate act of translation,
It is as if she is bearing witness to the events by translating them. That is extremely powerful.
exhausted but joyful in his relief.
The juxtaposition of these 2 disparate things: exhausted and joyful is very powerful. He can find some respite in that he has gotten his child to a place where her small body can be perhaps be helped. He has battled the crumbling world around him to fight for his child.
In that way, I am learning too that even as I speak of death and destruction, my every word becomes a force shored up against them as soon as it is written
This is a physical, muscular way of describing language that is very effective. The writer's own voice is a tool being used to combat destruction. Voice becomes tangible and imbued with power.