128 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2023
    1. Bioluminescence in firefly larvae: a test of the aposematic display hypothesis (Coleoptera: Lampyridae)
    2. Glow-worm larvae bioluminescence (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) operates as an aposematic signal upon toads (Bufo bufo)
    3. Do courtship flashes of fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) serve as aposematic signals to insectivorous bats?
    1. The Ecology of Bioluminescence
    2. Aposematism and bioluminescence: experimental evidence from glow-worm larvae (Coleoptera: Lampyridae)
    3. Fireflies produce ultrasonic clicks during flight as a potential aposematic anti-bat signal
    1. Insects of Western North America 11. Bioluminescent behavior of North American firefly larvae (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) with a discussion of function and evolution
    2. Understanding and using fungal bioluminescence–Recent progress and future perspectives
    3. Description of the larva of Alampoides alychnus (Kirsch, 1873), the first known species with bioluminescent immatures in Euplinthini (Elateridae, Agrypninae)
    1. Bioluminescent leakage throughout the body of the glow-worm Lampyris noctiluca (Coleoptera: Lampyridae)
    2. Study of the luminescence in the black brittle-star Ophiocomina nigra: toward a new pattern of light emission in ophiuroids
    3. Resurrecting the ancient glow of the fireflies
    4. Bioluminescence and fluorescence of three sea pens in the north-west Mediterranean sea
    5. Etmopterus lantern sharks use coelenterazine as the substrate for their luciferin-luciferase bioluminescence system
    6. 10 Biology and behaviour of European lampyrids
    1. Do glow‐worm larvae (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) use warning coloration?
    2. Bioluminescent activity in the mating and antipredatory behavior of a marine ostracod (Crustacea, Myodocopida)
    3. Intraspecific variations of bioluminescence in a polychromatic population of Amphipholis squamata (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea)
    4. A deepwater fish with 'lightsabers'–dorsal spine-associated luminescence in a counterilluminating lanternshark
  2. Dec 2022
    1. The nature and possible functions of luminescence in Coleoptera larvae
    2. New perspectives related to the bioluminescent system in dinoflagellates: Pyrocystis lunula, a case study
    3. Genomic and experimental data provide new insights into luciferin biosynthesis and bioluminescence evolution in fireflies
    4. Photophobic responses of calanoid copepods: possible adaptive value
    5. Responses of tropical reef fauna to brittle-star luminescence (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea)
    6. Bioluminescence, Silent Language of the Sea
    7. Biofluorescence in terrestrial animals, with emphasis on fireflies: A review and field observation
    8. Carbon dioxide-induced bioluminescence increase in Arachnocampa larvae
    9. Parasites, predators and defence of fireflies and glow-worms
    10. Fireflies Flashing: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
    11. Fireflies Flashing: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
    12. Parasites, predators and defence of fireflies and glow-worms
    1. Etmopteridae bioluminescence: dorsal pattern specificity and aposematic use
    2. Brittle-star bioluminescence functions as an aposematic signal to deter crustacean predators
    3. Bioluminescence in dinoflagellates: Evidence that the adaptive value of bioluminescence in dinoflagellates is concentration dependent
    1. Beetle bioluminescence outshines extant aerial predators
    2. The evolutionary process of bioluminescence and aposematism in cantharoid beetles (Coleoptera: Elateroidea) inferred by the analysis of 18S ribosomal DNA
    3. Discovery of a glowing millipede in California and the gradual evolution of bioluminescence in Diplopoda
    4. Why do brittle stars emit light? Behavioural and evolutionary approaches of bioluminescence
    5. Fluorescence in fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae): using sentinel prey to investigate a possible aposematic signal
    6. Eco-evo bioluminescence on land and in the sea
    7. Intensity differences in bioluminescent dinoflagellates impact foraging efficiency in a nocturnal predator
    1. Bioluminescence in dinoflagellates: A test of the burgular alarm hypothesis
    2. The evolution of bioluminescence in cantharoids (Coleoptera: Elateroidea)
    3. Total evidence phylogeny and the evolution of adult bioluminescence in fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae)
    4. Grazer-induced bioluminescence gives dinoflagellates a competitive edge
    5. Bioluminescence and toxicity as driving factors in harmful algal blooms: ecological functions and genetic variability
    6. Glowing worms: biological, chemical, and functional diversity of bioluminescent annelids
    1. The terrestrial bioluminescent animals of Japan
    2. Firefly genomes illuminate parallel origins of bioluminescence in beetles
    3. Avian predators avoid attacking artificial aposematic millipedes in Brazilian Atlantic Forest
    4. “Parasite-induced aposematism” protects entomopathogenic nematode parasites against invertebrate enemies
    1. Current status of research on fungal bioluminescence: biochemistry and prospects for ecotoxicological application
    2. Firefly flashing and jumping spider predation
    3. The origin of photic behavior and the evolution of sexual communication in fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae)
    1. Resurrecting the ancient glow
    2. CCD imaging of basal bioluminescence in larval fireflies: clues on the anatomic origin and evolution of bioluminescence
    3. CCD imaging of basal bioluminescence in larval fireflies: clues on the anatomic origin and evolution of bioluminescence
    4. Fireflies thwart bat attack with multisensory warnings
    5. Fireflies thwart bat attack with multisensory warnings
    6. The nature and possible functions of luminescence in Coleoptera larvae
    1. New perspectives related to the bioluminescent system in dinoflagellates: Pyrocystis lunula, a case study
    2. Genomic and experimental data provide new insights into luciferin biosynthesis and bioluminescence evolution in fireflies
    3. Photophobic responses of calanoid copepods: possible adaptive value
    4. New Perspectives Related to the Bioluminescent System in Dinoflagellates: Pyrocystis lunula, a Case Study
    1. Cantharidin is conserved across phylogeographic lineages and present in both morphs of Iberian Berberomeloe blister beetles (Coleoptera, Meloidae)
    2. Cognitive Dimensions of Predator Responses to Imperfect Mimicry
    3. Evidence of maternal provisioning of alkaloid-based chemical defenses in the strawberry poison frog Oophaga pumilio
    4. Animal coloration patterns: Linking spatial vision to quantitative analysis
    5. Post-attack Aposematic Display in Prey Facilitates Predator Avoidance Learning
    6. Inferring Predator Behavior from Attack Rates on Prey-Replicas That Differ in Conspicuousness
    7. Parasite-induced warning colouration

      Sin wikidata

    8. Investigating Defensive Colouration in Nudibranch Molluscs using a Novel Analytical Framework for the Study of Animal Colour Patterns

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    9. CURRENT BIOLOGY - The Evolution of Fangs, Venom, and Mimicry Systems in Blenny Fishes

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    10. The spatial pattern of natural selection when selection depends on experience.

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    1. Contrast, contours and the confusion effect in dazzle camouflage
    2. Body size matters for aposematic prey during predator aversion learning
    3. Does avian conspicuous colouration increase or reduce predation risk
    4. Does colour matter? The influence of animal warning coloration on human emotions and willingness to protect them

      Sin wikidata

    5. Reproduction in Risky Environments: The Role of Invasive Egg Predators in Ladybird Laying Strategies.

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    6. Bitter taste enhances predatory biases against aggregations of prey with warning coloration

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    7. Aposematism: An Alternative Hypothesis on How We Discover Medicinal Organisms

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    8. Significance of the dorsal zigzag pattern of Vipera latastei gaditana against avian predators
    9. Both novelty and conspicuousness influence selection by mammalian predators on the colour pattern of Plethodon cinereus (Urodela: Plethodontidae)

      Sin wikidata

    1. Biased predation could promote convergence yet maintain diversity within Müllerian mimicry rings of Oreina leaf beetles
    2. Responses of Naive Temperate Birds to Warning Coloration

      Sin wikidata

    3. Warning displays may function as honest signals of toxicity.

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    4. Behavioural and ecological interactions between Heliconius butterflies, their predators and host plants

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    5. Experimental evidence for predator learning and Müllerian mimicry in Peruvian poison frogs ( Ranitomeya , Dendrobatidae)

      Sin wikidata

    6. Color contrast and stability as key elements for effective warning signals
    7. How does captivity affect skin colour reflectance of golden mantella frogs

      Sin wikidata

    8. Predation on snakes of Argentina: Effects of coloration and ring pattern on coral and false coral snakes
    9. Mimicry's palette: widespread use of conserved pigments in the aposematic signals of snakes
    1. Interspecific visual signalling in animals and plants: a functional classification.
    2. The Functional Significance of Aposematic Signals: Geographic Variation in the Responses of Widespread Lizard Predators to Colourful Invertebrate Prey
    3. Body size but not warning signal luminance influences predation risk in recently metamorphosed poison frogs.

      Sin wikidata

    4. Predator Mixes and the Conspicuousness of Aposematic Signals
    5. Diversity in warning coloration: selective paradox or the norm?
    6. The impact of sexual and natural selection on signal divergence in a polytypic poison dart frog (Oophaga pumilio, Dendrobatidae)

      Sin wikidata

    7. Warning signal brightness variation: sexual selection may work under the radar of natural selection in populations of a polytypic poison frog.
    8. Coral snake mimicry: live snakes not avoided by a mammalian predator
    9. Using Clay Models to Test for Avian Recognition of Aposematic Warning Coloration of Ring-Neck Snakes (Diadophis punctatus)

      Sin wikidata

    10. The function of body coloration of the hai coral snake Sinomicrurus japonicus boettgeri
    1. Phylogenetic Comparative Methods can Provide Important Insights into the Evolution of Toxic Weaponry.

      Sin wikidata

    2. Predators vs. Prey: The information ecology of warning signals

      Sin wikidata

    3. New records of snakes from Cat Tien National Park, Dong Nai and Lam Dong provinces, southern Vietnam

      Sin wikidata

    4. Conspicuous coloration of toxin-resistant predators implicates additional trophic interactions in a predator-prey arms race.

      Sin wikidata

    5. Evolution of coloration, urotomy and coral snake mimicry in the snake genus Scaphiodontophis (Serpentes: Colubridae)

      Sin wikidata

    6. Evolution of coloration, urotomy and coral snake mimicry in the snake genusScaphiodontophis(Serpentes: Colubridae)

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    7. Evolution of coloration, urotomy and coral snake mimicry in the snake genusScaphiodontophis(Serpentes: Colubridae)

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    8. Do crab spiders perceive Batesian mimicry in hoverflies

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    9. An Analysis of Predator Selection to Affect Aposematic Coloration in a Poison Frog Species.

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