16 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. Unclear Privacy Rules: Sometimes privacy rules aren’t made clear to the people using a system. For example: If you send “private” messages on a work system, your boss might be able to read them. When Elon Musk purchased Twitter, he also was purchasing access to all Twitter Direct Messages

      It's not uncommon for your bosses to see your private messages if your using there work system. That's why you need to read all the rules they give you before signing any sort of paperwork. Amazon warehouses use an app called Amazon Chime so that there workers have a way to communicate at work on there phone's or laptops. They make it clear that they are able to see your messages since you are using there work system.

    1. In some cases we might want a social media company to be able to see our “private” messages, such as if someone was sending us death threats. We might want to report that user to the social media company for a ban, or to law enforcement (though many people have found law enforcement to be not helpful), and we want to open access to those “private” messages to prove that they were sent.

      I disagree with companies being able to see our private messages because there's information or discussions that you might share with someone that you want to be kept in private. At the same time there is some good reasons for companies to be able to see these messages because if someone is threatening you or others that's evidence you can use to report them and get them banned.

    1. One of the main goals of social media sites is to increase the time users are spending on their social media sites. The more time users spend, the more money the site can get from ads, and also the more power and influence those social media sites have over those users. So social media sites use the data they collect to try and figure out what keeps people using their site, and what can they do to convince those users they need to open it again later.

      I like the algorithm social media platforms use because it shows me content that I like to see. I have always wondered how do social media sites make money from the ads, anytime I get an ad on any platform I always skip them if I can.

    1. Platforms also collect information on how users interact with the site. They might collect information like (they don’t necessarily collect all this, but they might): when users are logged on and logged off who users interact with What users click on what posts users pause over where users are located what users send in direct messages to each other

      I find it scary that these platforms monitor every move we make on there sites especially them checking our direct messages with others. Our direct messages aren't as private as we think if these platforms are sitting there collecting this data.

  2. Oct 2024
    1. Do not argue with trolls - it means that they win

      I agree with this statement because if you continue to respond to someone who is trolling they are doing this for fun to get an emotional reaction out of someone. I think it's best if you just ignore them so they can just feel good about what there doing.

    1. Amusement: Trolls often find the posts amusing, whether due to the disruption or emotional reaction. If the motivation is amusement at causing others’ pain, that is called doing it for the lulz.

      I feel like getting an emotional reaction out of someone is one of the biggest reasons people like to troll. I don't get that type of reaction when people are trolling but on social media a lot of people get offended when someone is trolling. Trolling can sometimes be funny as well.

    1. The way we present ourselves to others around us (our behavior, social role, etc.) is called our public persona. We also may change how we behave and speak depending on the situation or who we are around, which is called code-switching.

      I think this is completely normal because the way you act around your friends and family is different from how you behave at work or school. When you are with friends and family you feel more comfortable around them so you behave like yourself. People can also behave very differently on social media due to them being behind a screen.

    1. Inauthentic behavior is when the reality doesn’t match what is being presented.

      I feel like this happens very often on social media with people creating fake accounts to try and steal your information. I see a bunch of bot accounts on Instagram, Tik Tok, and Facebook messaging people saying they've won some sort of giveaway. These bots are created to try and get people's information.

    1. 2003 saw the launch of several popular social networking services: Friendster, Myspace, and LinkedIn. These were websites where the primary purpose was to build personal profiles and create a network of connections with other people, and communicate with them. Facebook was launched in 2004 and soon put most of its competitors out of business, while YouTube, launched in 2005 became a different sort of social networking site built around video

      It's crazy how long these social networking services have been out for and still continue to be popular today. Facebook makes it really easy to connect with other people that are far away so I think that's a big reason why people still use it.

    1. One of the early ways of social communication across the internet was with Email, which originated in the 1960s and 1970s. These allowed people to send messages to each other, and look up if any new messages had been sent to them.

      I didn't think that emails were created around the 60's and 70's this actually surprises me. They've been around for a long time now I wonder if people received emails instantly back then and if not how long would it take for them to get sent? It only us a couple seconds to receive an email.

    1. Sounds are represented as the electric current needed to move a speaker’s diaphragm back and forth over time to make the specific sound waves. The electric current is saved as a number, and those electric current numbers are saved at each time point, so the sound information is saved as a list of numbers.

      I listen to music all the time and I never knew that this is how sound waves are created. It's crazy how all the sound information is just saved onto a number.

    1. Data collection and storage can go wrong in other ways as well, with incorrect or erroneous options. Here are some screenshots from a thread of people collecting strange gender selection forms:

      I find it pretty interesting how someone can input these options into a form that is completely off topic. Whoever created these forms was most likely not paying attention and really screwed up. How did someone not catch any of these mistakes before uploading the form?

    1. Some bots are intended to be helpful, using automation to make tasks easier for others or to provide information, such as:

      I never thought that bots were created for rightful reasons because I usually see bots being used for inappropriate reasons on instagram. Using bots for this purpose can be very helpful because they are providing us with information that we need to know and making life easier for those who use them this for this purpose. The people who use bots for unsuitable reasons are painting a bad picture for friendly bots.

    2. On the other hand, some bots are made with the intention of harming, countering, or deceiving others.

      There's plenty of post on social media where the comment section is full of bots trying to advertise some sort of product or making inappropriate comments. There's been multiple times where I've received inappropriate messages from bots.

  3. Sep 2024
    1. “The internet isn’t real life.”

      I believe this statement is very true just because of the fact that people pretend to be someone there not on social media. Apps like snapchat or instagram provide it's user with filters for pictures that can completely change the appearance of someone online. In reality they might not look as what they appear to be on the internet.

    1. There is no right or wrong. Nothing matters

      The idea of Nihilism is thinking that whatever you do isn't right or wrong and that life is meaningless. It's insane to me that people feel this way and have no moral or ethic values. Your actions may not affect you but it can affect others if you believe whatever you do is okay.