5 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. trash chair at the curb

      reminds me of people leaving stuff in the streets for the world of nyc to take for itself.

    2. sea anemone

      i look at this as an interpretation of how NYC is full of people from many different backgrounds and cultures and how everyone is very unique from an outside POV but a anemone gives the idea of only certain things fit in

    3. Empty eye sockets of buildings just built

      this immediately brought my mind to Hudson yards, one of the biggest tourist attractions in nyc but when you look into these buildings they are sky high and empty. its like they are looking down at us with their eyes closed.

    4. keen-eyed

      in my opinion this term connects to NYC perfectly, a bunch of people look around and see so many different things and people, and the "keen-eyed" or very perceptive people can see one thing about someone and pick out what makes them unique in this huge city.

    5. wake up.

      this makes me think of the "NYC Dream" and how ive woken up from the said dream.