- Jul 2019
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madman bum and angel beat
These two things are total opposites of each other, one is pure while the other one represents chaos. I wonder why Ginsberg chose to do this?
I’m with you in Rockland
I find it interesting that he repeats this line, it is almost as though that he is assuring the reader as well as the people of this community that has their back by writing this poem. Also, I wonder by repeating Rockland so much he is calling attention to this place/community?
who threw potato salad at CCNY lecturerson Dadaism and subsequently presented themselves on the granite steps of the madhouse with the shaven heads
I find this interesting that GInsberg takes note of this art form and how it has converted into a lecture topic. Dadaism is known for free expression and to rebel against traditional forms; however, over time it has become somthing that is taught in the classroom which defeats the whole purpose of the art form.
I noticed that throughout the poem there "who" is used consistently and reptitivley. I wonder why Ginsberg chooses ti utilize "who" this way?
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As with the Jew, persecution is making the Negro international.
What is the relationship between the jew and the negro?
The South has unconsciously absorbed the gift of his folk-temperament
What does Locke mean by "folk-temperment"?
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Dey stumble in de hall, jes a-laughin’ an’ a-cacklin’, Cheerin’ lak roarin’
Brown's use of a dialect may not only be a personal touch to this poem but oppose the norm of using standard English in poetry.
Or ridin’ mules,
"mules" are a cheaper alternative to horses, and it seems that Brown's use of mules is possibly to highlight the lack of money "ma" has as well as the theme of poverty.
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last snow-flake
Is he referencing to winter? or is the snow flake symbolic for a season, event, or time in a person's life?
Words such as "bitterness" and "hate" used throughout the poem seem to be used to highlight Mckay's unhappiness of being in America.
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“I, Too, Sing America” (1926)
This title is similar to Walt Whitman's poem " I Hear America Singing", I wonder if Langston hughes wrote his poem as a version of Whitman's but in the black man's perspective?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
This line reminds me of how people reminisce on missed oppurtunities and dreams. Hughes seems to be highlighting that the "what if" in our lives will always be there and wont allow us to forget them.
- Jun 2019
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Body growing hard and round To break the prison bars
While the prom seems sad, these two lines show the speakers slim glimmer of hope for the child. Maybe the small indication of hope is a reflection of the small chance children in the south have to escape an unwanted fate and obtain more opportunities.
Daddy is waiting for you
This sentence seems to be foreshadowing how this child the speaker is referring to will eventually end up in prison. I feel that Don West is showing that in the south many children grow up in poor conditions and a lack of education whic doesn’t give them a chance. He is indicating that they grow up only to be locked up and that is due to society’s lack of care for the youth.
Blinded by chromium or transfiguration we watch, as through a microscope, decay: down the broad streets the limousine
I noticed that throughout the poem he makes graves stones and death appear glamorous but then discusses gruesome as well as uncomfortable aspects of dying such as decaying when you die. I wonder if he wants to relieve people of worries but also be honest of what does happen after death.
I am Ivan, the peasant
After each stanza praising and highlighting Lenin, the next stanza is followed by a figure of a minority a certain minority group. My question is why does he set the poem up like that? Also, have these people been ignored and left behind by the man that they helped get to power?
While I do not know who “Dempsey” is, It seems that he is viewed as both a leader in some capacity but also a scape goat for society. Gregory seems to be highlighting the U.S mentality.
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What is that noise?” The wind under the door. “What is that noise now? What is the wind doing?” Nothing again nothing.
The speaker is consistently questioning throughout the poem. In this instance the speaker is questioning such normal aspects of life, I wonder if Eliot is doing this to highlight how society through war and profession e easily forget the past.
April is the cruellest month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing Memory and desire, stirring Dull roots with spring rain.
I find it interesting that he describes April as a month of darkness and connects it with the notion of death. It also appears that “dull roots” are being compared to memories, he may be comparing these two subjects to highlight that like the environment that has been severely affected by war, so have people’s memories.
“The Waste Land”
What is the “Waste land”? This was written right after the First World War, so is he referring to the state of the environment and people post war? Or could he be discussing how society’s progression is actually our downfall?
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Who is Emily? Is Emily a friend or a family member? Why is she "sacred"?
what is the significance of pale? Pale alludes to death, for example when someone is dead usually they are pale.
That is a word. That is a word careless. Paper peaches. Paper peaches are tears.
Throughout the poem I notice that Stein often has lines repeat the same letter as before, and I wonder why she chose to structure or write her poem in this way?
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Unless it be that marriage perhaps with a dash of Indian blood
Is Williams talking about an arranged marriage? What is his relationship with the Indian culture and how might it connect with Elsie?
under some hedge of choke-cherry or viburnum- which they cannot express
Among such dark and bitter lines, these lines are one of the few that evoke life as well as serenity. The speaker allows the reader to visualize this location. I wonder why he chose to input these lines as they juxtapose the rest of the poem?
young slatterns, bathed in filth
While initally the poem appears to be sentimental as it is addressed to "Elsie", however the poem quickly becomes negative. Over the course of the poem and with every line the speaker reduces the values of humans specially Americans. It raises the question on why the speaker is so bitter or angry?
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n a Station of the Metro
Why does Ezra Pound choose to write a poem about a station of the metro? Is this location sentimental to him or one day when he was visiting the staion did he see somthing that inspired him or made him want to address an issue?
apparition of these faces in the crowd; Petals on a wet, black bough.
In these two sentences Pound is contrasting a busy industrialized city life to a peacful natural reality. It transforms from dark and gloomy to a poem that is alive.
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nagged by want past resolution’s power
While in the previous lines the speaker seems adamant in her decision to move on "past resolution's power" are keeping her from that decision. The speaker is highlighting that love as well as memories are so powerful that they can sway emotions and big decisions easily.
It well may be that in a difficult hour
In this line it appears the speaker is indicating that she is finally willing to give up "love" as she states 'in a difficult hour". Also, I think Millay is trying to express to the reader that it always hard to move on from love but there will be a time in which one decides when they release themselves from heartache.
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I am curious who the “he” is? The speaker says he knows who the owner of the house is but that is all he gives to the reader. Is it a friend or someone that he met on his journey through life?
And miles to go before I sleep.
When I read this line I feel like “sleep” is refering to death and he is indicating that he has a long journey until he dies.
long I stood And looked down one as far as I could
I feel like he is insinuating that like most of us we want to know what lies ahead yet the future is unknown. It seems that the narrator is reflecting how society and people react to the unknown and display both the fear as well as curiosity we feel towards it.
I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.
By choosing to take the road less traveled it seems that he is indicating that he is making his own choice rather than following others. People in society have a habit to follow others as they don’t want to be different or rejected, while his decision was not the same as others he can safely say he is content with it and does not feel guilty about putting his needs and desires before others.
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It takes life to love Life.
Throughout the whole poem the narrator describes her life and explain everything that comes with it. It appears after reaching the end and reading this line that she is explaining the different aspects of life but also that life is a process of different situations as well as emotions. This last statement is super powerful and beautiful.
We were married and lived together for seventy years, Enjoying, working, raising the twelve children, Eight of whom we lost
It is interesting as she describes a normal life and seems quite content with the routune of it. However, she mentions that she has lost eight children but the tone seems unfazed and optimistic. Even with devasting circumstances she appears content which may highlight the standard women were held to during this time; keep calm and collected.
sold at auction on the public square, As if to destroy the last vestige
This section displays a tone of sadness and tragdey. The loss of tradition but education is described through the selling of the library. Also, the fact that the library is being sold in the "public square" seems to refer to how society see the loss of knowledge and learning yet do nothing about it.
often you asked me “What is the use of knowing the evil in the world?”
it seems that he is highlighting that while many people would benefit from a learning they choose not because that would mean learning of the troubles of the world. It seems that he is indicating that as a society we are slowly wasting our oppurtunity to learn and grow as society because we become fearful of the unknown as well as things we can not fix.
While Homer and Whitman roared in the pines
"Roared" refers to life and wild things. While the narrator indicates that he is a failed poet, poets such as Homer and Whitman are successful as their work evokes a sense of wildness as well as life. By discussing nature and presenting concepts of life within their work it allowed them to become big successful poets.
Petit, the Poet
He refers to himself as a petite or small poet. However, no poet wants to be small as that signifies that they have failed. In the title he highlights that he has failed as a poet.
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mother lays her sleeping child Down tenderly, fearing it may awake, He sat the jug down slowly at his feet
I find it interesting that Arlington uses a metaphor to compare his relationship with liquor to a mother and her young child. He is not only careful with the substance but also hihglights that achohol is very valuable to him. That being said it makes me think he is an achoholic or achohol is the only thing he has in the world.
Mr. Flood
Is Mr. Flood referring to achohol and the narrators memories? Every time he drinks he says Mr. Flood and also when he refers to the town as well as old friends.
"measurement of cloth by the ell especially with official inspection and certification"(Merriam-Webster). Why does he refer to a measurement of cloth with time?
"A man ordained to the ministry or service of the Christian Church; a churchman, clergyman, or ecclesiastic"(OED).
"A man (or woman) of book learning, one able to read and write; a scholar."(OED).
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know an excellent colored man in my town; or, I fought at Mechanicsville; or, Do not these Southern outrages make your blood boil
The training of the schools we need to-day more than ever,—the training of deft hands, quick eyes and ears, and above all the broader, deeper, higher culture of gifted minds and pure hearts.
Du Bois expresses that education is key to raising ones position in society. Knowledge not only improves an individuals skills but it creates "pure hearts. Also, being educated means that one can not be taken advantage of and no longer feel the need to depend on others therefore creating leaders not followers.
Between me and the other world
He immediatley starts off by expressing that he does not identify himself as being part of society. Du Bois sees society as somthing foreign and far away from him.
Du Bois consistently uses "shadow" to refer to the black community, while he may be indicating their skin color it seems that he uses this word to highlight the oppressiveness the black community faced. Also, the word may be used to highlight how black men and women were casted over by the white population as well as expected to follow not lead.
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in America neither Venus nor Virgin ever had value as force–at most as sentiment. No American had ever been truly afraid of either.
I interpret this line as expressing the loss in religion due to the advancement of science and technology. Tradition and faith seem to be losing their credibilty and are merely seen as "sentiments". I think Adam is conveying that as society progresses there is more focus on the sciences than religion or traditions.
The attitude was so American that, for at least forty years,
What is the American Attitude? When was this "attitude" first developed and is the American attitude good or bad?
Before the end, one began to pray to it; inherited instinct taught the natural expression of man before silent and infinite force
Adams creates the idea that during this time technology and science are cultivated as well as valued in society. The statement "began to pray to it" highlights how it is as sacred as religion, it is powerful yet still in some ways unknown. This sentence shows societies reaction to modernity and progression.
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I lie here on this great immovable bed—it is nailed down, I believe—and follow that pattern about by the hour.
I feel like this sentence is a representation of the narrator. She is "nailed down" by John as he does not allow her to do anything or go anywhere without his consent. Also, she conveys that she follows a "pattern" which not only refers to the wall paper but also her life. She is led to follow a pattern her entire life by John and will contiune to follow his orders until she dies.
I don’t like our room a bit. I wanted one downstairs that opened on the piazza and had roses all over the window, and such pretty old-fashioned chintz hangings! but John would not hear of it.
She wants to do so much yet she is restricted by John. While John may be overly protective and has good intentions in keeping the narrator from things, the dynamic between the narrator and John reflect the patriachal system of the time. The narrator gives an insight to how this system affects women and the lack of control they have over their own lives.
There is a DELICIOUS garden! I never saw such a garden—large and shady, full of box-bordered paths, and lined with long grape-covered arbors with seats under them.
In literature and poetry it seems that one goes to nature to find release and happiness. By the narrator observing the garden and hedges she feels better despite being sick.
- May 2019
annotatingausten.sfsuenglishdh.net annotatingausten.sfsuenglishdh.net
Jane Austen visited Chatsworth in 1811; it is believed that she used the estate for the inspiration of Pemberley. In chapter 42, Chatsworth is mentioned as one of the estates that that Elizabeth and the Gardiners visit before arriving at Pemberley,“…they were now to spend a few days, was probably as great an object of her curiosity as all the celebrated beauties of Matlock, Chatsworth…".
http://jasna.org/austen/ https://www.chatsworth.org/news-media/chatsworth-on-film/pride-and-prejudice/
Pictured above is Chatsworth House, the inspiration for Pemberley and where they filmed the 2005 Pride and Prejudice starring Keira Knightley.
"An earnest or humble request. Also: the action of making such a request; supplication"(OED).
Jane Austen uses the archaic form of entreaty.
"Laughter" (OED).
"A wife’s pocket money" (Johnson).
"A word or phrase describing someone or something's character or most important quality" (OED).
The small village of Lambton is believed to be based on Bakewell, a town located three miles from Chatsworth and where Austen revised Pride & Prejudice in Bakewell’s Rutland Arms Hotel.
- Mar 2019
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I find Mr. Darcy's reaction quite interesting. His reaction is in someways similar to how Elizabeth reacts to Mrs. Bennett. As Elizabeth suffers from her family's manners, Darcy seems to not only be embarrassed but "ashamed" of his family's behavior. Although they are from different social classes this passage highlights that they endure similar experiences, and that their circumstances dictate how the public perceives them. Also, the reader can see that Darcy is not entirely cruel or arrogant, he does have compassion. Again, I feel that Darcy's circumstances and upbringing have influenced his outlook on life but like Elizabeth his views can be revised. I think that Darcy does not mean to be cruel or pompous I think he has been taught to behave as such, I really do think he is a kind person and Elizabeth is slowly changing him.