13 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2020
    1. Goffman, perhaps the most recognized authority on the subject,characterized all self-presentation as performative, in the sense that we play roles in ourinteractions, much like actors in the theater.

      Goffman explains , our self presentation as performative, in a way that we play characters in our daily interactions, much like actors.

    2. uch role taking allows us to take others’ per-spectives and thus to consider how we appear to them.

      In doing so, it allows is to take other point of view and consider how we appear, I guess first impressions count, we put our best versions forward that could be character we wish we were always.

    3. myself.” Increasingly, schools introduce students to these genres as well, and so, by necessity,many young people are required to create personal sites to fulfill a class assignment

      Even if you didn't want to appear on the internet these days and wanted to make your self or online presence a mystery, more often its hard because if you're a student its required in some form of assignment most time.

    4. As Buckingham notesin the introduction to this volume, Goffman has been criticized for failing to consider thepossibility that all interactions can be viewed as performances and for neglecting other forcesthat operate on individuals as they survey themselves and construct their self-presentations

      On the other hand, Buckingham notes disagrees that all interactions can be viewed as a performance.

    5. For example, several young authors have described how theyconsider themselves to be humorous, but they rarely show their comical side to friends andpeers because they fear rejection

      Some people create an online persona because they feel they can be themselves when online communicating to others as their fear of rejection to in person scenarios would horrific.

    6. some female online authors address taboo or unsavory personal topics,such as depression, self-mutilation, and lesbian sexual desire. Young males sometimes sharemusic, post images, and disclose concerns that address homosexuality, violence, fear, andrejection. Adolescents of both sexes lament their inability to broach these kinds of issuesin offline conversations with friends and family for fear of social or parental reprisals, and,given their age and relatively limited ability to travel freely, they can rarely locate manyphysical places where encounters with strangers regarding these topics would be possibleor safe

      Communicating onlne via an online precence or brand give people the confidence to addresss more taboo and personal topics to connect to a target audience they have commonalities with because they aren't as close as family members or friends they see everyday.

    7. The strategy and intentionality behind self-presentation is illuminated in online settings,because communicators must consciouslyre-present themselves online (via text, images,etc.).

      Our online presence is a strategy intentionally built behind self presentation which is caused by online settings because communicators strategically represent themselves online ) though social media, text, email marketing) essentially building a brand in a person that can communicate to an audience and have bigger influence on a whole market.

    8. Online, however, they have the time to craft their comedyand worry less about negative responses because they are removed from the moment of itsreception

      On the other hand, this gives people more time to craft their personailty and worry less about any negative responses as they can't freeze time in real life to stop themselves from saying something embrassing or even worse doing something embrassing, using their online presce as a communication tol to interact removes them from that very moment of reception

    9. Similarly, studies of queer youth online have found that young people considerthe Internet as a “space and time to safely rehearse the coming-out process

      Moreover studies of queer youth have found in their research that young people consider the internet as a " space and time to safely rehearse the coming out process"Austin, J. and Michael Nevin Willard (1998). Generations of youth : youth cultures and history in twentieth-century America. New York: New York University Press.

    10. Someadolescents also create personal sites because their friends have

      Some create their online presence as a communication tool because their friends have it and its the easiest way to reach them, texting can go as far as gifs , voice notes and more but the online precence brings you closer to their online precense as you can tag your friends in funny memes, videos or the coolest trip to plan next , it builds togetherness and interaction without seeing that person face to face but as a means of interaction

    11. In this situation, the partner in the physical location is excluded andbecomes the audience to an interpersonal exchange.

      Goffman explains where a mobile represents a person you are in contact with without being at the same location. Similarly , the partner in the physical location is excluded and becomes the audience to and interpersonal exchange.

    12. Erving Goffman describes the human ability to divide one’s attention while interactingbetween main and side activities.45

      Goffman is essentially saying people have different personas online and offline.

    13. earning by doing” is the mantra that guides many youn

      The reason why young people use interaction as communication they learn by doing which is a mantra that guides young people to start drafting a personal site, they want they online precsence to interact with other like minded