- Mar 2019
was a significant contribution to the canon of American modernism
In my opinion it is hard to consider it "American modernism" since its stylistic roots seem quite embeded in the German expressionist current of the time. I think that true American modernists wouldn't include this piece as being part of their movement. I think Ives would disagree strongly.
Although residing in the same city as Arnold Schoenberg, she avoided studying with the master of 12-tone composition.
She might not have used the 12-tone scale, but her quartet is quite reminiscent of the compositions of the second Vienese school.
Though mostly oblivious to the political upheaval in Germany at the time
It is quite hard to believe that she was unaware of what was going on in the country. The Nazi party gained power only 3 years after she arrived in Germany.
“In Europe one can work!”
According to an article I found on the unemployment rate in Germany: "By the end of 1930 the figure had reached nearly 4 million, 15.3 per cent of the population." This makes her claim quite ironic. https://spartacus-educational.com/GERunemployment.htm