14 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. Meat without killing is the central promise of what’s come to be known as cultivated meat.

      It is technically fake meat then.

    2. At the heart of the vision is a high-tech factory housing steel tanks as tall as apartment buildings and conveyor belts rolling out fully formed steaks, millions of pounds a day — enough, astonishingly, to feed an entire nation.

      This alarming amount of red meat can be very crucial for the human being

    1. The presumption is, if you build a store, people are going to come,"

      If a store is cheap for example, its says buy one get one free. People think that if they are getting something for free that it is actually good for them but what they do not understand is that everything has a cost to it and in this case it is their health.

    2. The jury's still out on whether these conversions of corner stores are actually changing people's diets and health.

      Changing people's diets can be a very difficult goal. Especially people who live on junk food.

  2. Sep 2024
    1. for the type ofevening when I come home, set my bags down on the oor, and my apartment feelslike a kingdom devoted to my desires.

      Food can set the mood of an empire. Where you are the king of your own world.

    2. A personal pizza can be Solitude Food too. I buy a personal pizza when I’manticipating a glorious night entirely to myself: feet up on the coffee table, sparklingwater I drink straight from the bottle, some totally uncool wine

      The author tries to convey the type of vibe that pizza gives him. It is a way to comfort him and relax and just go with the vibe and be calm. Pizza sets the mood.

    1. I remember the first person I met, another new student, named Zack, who walked to the welcome picnic with me. I had planned to eat with my parents—my mother had brought a coolerful of food even that first day—but I learned of the cookout and told her that I should probably go.

      Food brings unity. it unites people and brings them together despite the differences that they may have.

    2. I was an insistent child, and, being my mother’s firstborn, much too prized. My mother could say no to me, and did often enough, but anyone who knew us—particularly my father and sister—could tell how much the denying pained her

      Being the first child is being the golden one and the privilege ed one.

    1. In the Personal Essay unit, we read two to three essays a week, often in class together. We can’t talk about everything in every essay, but each class models some essential part: a compelling beginning; the use of an outside text to complicate the writer’s thinking; a powerful personal scene; an intriguing end that offers something new to the argument.

      I agree with this. The best way to get better at writing essays is to edit and read more essays to see the common mistakes made to make sure that you dont repeat those same mistakes

    2. One student last semester, following a prompt to recall a family tradition, wrote about his grandmother who began to burn the traditional family rice every night at dinner. When I asked him why he thought the story had stayed all these years in his mind, he said that he had been the only one in the house who noticed that something was very wrong with her.

      This is a very fascinating part of the text because it shows perspective and how perspective matters to ocnvery or reveal something.

    1. The attack coincided with Eid, and as I watched on my screen in Clarksville, Maryland horrific images of air raids and grief-stricken mothers, I suddenly felt the urge to make a pot of sumagiyya. Serving it to my family and friends that night, despite the unfolding tragedy, was unexpectedly liberating and affirming.

      The food is a form of comfort. The horrific things that are going on in Palestine obviously are not in the hands of anyone like us, but it can be practiced by celebrating their delicate food and the beautiful traditions that they bring despite the terrors going on there. The food is what brings everyone together and with food, you can learn one's traditions and culture.

    2. Ask any Palestinian how they learned to flip a pot of maqlooba, and they’ll likely tell you it was through an elder’s patient instruction, not a cookbook or YouTube video. Israel’s checkpoints, separation walls, and roadblocks may have physically separated our families, but they could not eradicate our culture. To quote Jerusalem-born Palestinian chef Sami Tamimi, “Recipes transcend mere culinary instructions; they encapsulate narratives, memories and serve as a testament to the resilience of those who have entrusted them across generations.”

      Food brings families together. Although the crisis in Palestine has perished dozens of families and has separated people form their homes, the hey cannot separate the tradition from the people and what brings them together; the delicacy of their culture. Food is a type of culture around the world and especially in Gaza, Palestine, it is what brings the people together. It is a form of celebration.

    1. Today, those who can afford this treat often approach it with ritualistic reverence, scooping out the inky orbs with mother-of-pearl spoons, so no hint of metal will intrude upon the delicacy of the flavor.

      As I indicated in my previous annotation, This food is now considered a luxury whereas back then it was considered the bare minimum. Mostly, people with delicate taste buds and unique food taste go for this type of food. Also, the rich is found to be part taking in this type of food because they can afford it.

    2. But it was precisely this distance, in space, time and above all class (even in a supposedly classless society), that made the food — once the barest minimum, eaten and endured only in order to survive — suddenly palatable.

      The food that we eat now to treat ourselves, was the food that they ate on the bare minimum. The society is described to be classless. It became a choice to eat this type of food.