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  1. Last 7 days
    1. Nobu Tamura. Spinops. 2023. URL: http://spinops.blogspot.com/ (visited on 2023-12-13).

      I've seen many pictures of ancient animals and even humans. The revolution is mind-blowing and interesting. People evolved to be more intelligent. Animals evolved to be more adapted to their environment or habitat. I believe that evolution is unstoppable and that one day we will eventually be more intelligent.

    1. There are ways of duplicating that are built into social media platforms:

      I sometimes duplicate certain popular content by creating reaction videos. Furthermore, people often respond to my reaction videos. Additionally, when I come across interesting content, I forward videos to my friends. I believe that as long as it is legal and logical, it should be allowed.

    1. Zack Whittaker. Facebook won't let you opt out of its phone number 'look up' setting. TechCrunch, March 2019. URL: https://techcrunch.com/2019/03/03/facebook-phone-number-look-up/ (visited on 2023-12-07).

      The topic of Facebook surveillance is quite hot. I feel like it's spying on us every second, and we don't have the choice to be completely private. I've noticed that Facebook always asks me to connect with my friends using my contact number, and I really hate it. I think the government should implement security laws to protect citizens from certain surveillance.

    1. What experiences do you have of social media sites making particularly good recommendations for you?

      TikTok and Instagram usually give me good recommendations. I love watching memes, funny videos, and pets on TikTok, and it always provides relevant videos for me to entertain myself. When I encounter videos I don't like, I can simply click the 'not interested' button. Instagram typically shows me sports-related ads because I follow many sports stars there.

  2. Apr 2024
    1. Color blindness. December 2023. Page Version ID: 1188749829. URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Color_blindness&oldid=1188749829 (visited on 2023-12-07).

      Color blindness is a hereditary condition where people lack certain types of cones needed to distinguish colors. We should take special care of these individuals because they perceive things differently from us. It's important to be aware of this potential difference. As an example, I enjoy playing League of Legends, and I believe the color blindness mode has made significant efforts to improve the overall experience for those with color blindness.

    1. A disability is an ability that a person doesn’t have, but that their society expects them to have.1 For example: If a building only has staircases to get up to the second floor (it was built assuming everyone could walk up stairs), then someone who cannot get up stairs has a disability in that situation. If a physical picture book was made with the assumption that people would be able to see the pictures, then someone who cannot see has a disability in that situation. If tall grocery store shelves were made with the assumption that people would be able to reach them, then people who are short, or who can’t lift their arms up, or who can’t stand up, all would have a disability in that situation. If an airplane seat was designed with little leg room, assuming people’s legs wouldn’t be too long, then someone who is very tall, or who has difficulty bending their legs would have a disability in that situation.

      I think we should take special care of people who are different from us. For example, for people with color blindness, we should acknowledge their difficulties and design specific functions that make things fair for them. We define what 'ordinary' is; as a result, we should also help other people who are not ordinary to be as fair as we can.

    1. Right to privacy. November 2023. Page Version ID: 1186826760. URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Right_to_privacy&oldid=1186826760 (visited on 2023-12-05).

      The CCTV operates similarly to social platforms. We sacrifice our privacy in exchange for security. While I don't like being monitored, however, I think that safety takes priority over privacy. The government can employ mass surveillance as long as it doesn't harm its citizens.

    1. When we use social media platforms though, we at least partially give up some of our privacy.

      I completely agree with this statement. I'm aware that Facebook, Instagram, and other social media platforms monitor our screens to enhance our user experience. However, these algorithms are not informed to us. We are sacrificing privacy in exchange for a better experience.

    1. Kurt Wagner. This is how Facebook collects data on you even if you don’t have an account. Vox, April 2018. URL: https://www.vox.com/2018/4/20/17254312/facebook-shadow-profiles-data-collection-non-users-mark-zuckerberg (visited on 2023-12-05).

      This is very shocking. I feel like I'm being monitored, and my privacy is severely violated. I believe people should have the right to be equally treated and respected. In the article, it says that there is no way to stop Facebook from collecting data. This is also awful because people can't do anything about it unless no one in the family uses the internet. This topic needs to be carefully addressed since it is unjust.

    1. Platforms also collect information on how users interact with the site. They might collect information like (they don’t necessarily collect all this, but they might): when users are logged on and logged off who users interact with What users click on what posts users pause over where users are located what users send in direct messages to each other

      I noticed this "surveillance" on TikTok and Instagram the most. I love browsing stuff online, and I realized that the advertisements are usually in a similar taste to mine. The content the platforms provide is exactly what I like. To be honest, I think this surveillance needs to be carefully treated since it might actually violate people's privacy.

    1. Is It Funny or Offensive? Comedian Impersonates FBI on Twitter, Makes MLK Assassination Joke. January 2020. URL: https://isitfunnyoroffensive.com/comedian-impersonates-fbi-on-twitter-makes-mlk-assassination-joke/ (visited on 2023-12-05).

      I believe finding a balance between humor and offensiveness is extremely important. Personally, if a joke incites social unrest, then it becomes offensive. I consider Jaboukie's tweet to be amusing because it didn't harm anyone. However, I do believe that people should consider the consequences of their actions.

    1. If the immediate goal of the action of trolling is to cause disruption or provoke emotional reactions, what is it that makes people want to do this disruption or provoking of emotional reactions?

      From my point of view, people troll because they seek attention, entertainment, or the feeling of power. On social platforms, people troll to gain likes or comments in order to become famous. Some people act badly so that others notice them and they can gain social influence. Some people find trolling entertaining because they enjoy the reactions they provoke.

    1. X (formerly Twitter). Permanent suspension of @realDonaldTrump. January 2021. URL: https://blog.twitter.com/en_us/topics/company/2020/suspension (visited on 2023-11-24).

      This is very interesting to me. As a former President of the US, Trump tends to be very aggressive in political situations. He loves to express himself and spread his political influence. However, in some situations, he encourages rioting and anger even if he doesn't mean to. I witnessed the Capitol March in Washington, and it seemed that people in favor were somewhat out of control.

    1. Anonymity can encourage inauthentic behavior because, with no way of tracing anything back to you1, you can get away with pretending you are someone you are not, or behaving in ways that would get your true self in trouble.

      I found this to be really relevant to my personal experience. When I'm filling out certain anonymous surveys, I tend to respond dishonestly by selecting a set of answers. However, if the survey includes my name, I will answer it more honestly because I know my responses will be associated with my personal information. I've also noticed that people tend to cyberbully others using private accounts so they won't be traced. When people know their behavior won't be recorded, they are more likely to be inauthentic.

    1. Social networking service. November 2023. Page Version ID: 1186603996. URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Social_networking_service&oldid=1186603996#History (visited on 2023-11-24).

      Social media is such an important factor in my life. In the US, I use Instagram and Snapchat the most to communicate with my American friends. On the other hand, I use WeChat and QQ the most in China to communicate with my Chinese friends. Furthermore, I witnessed many social media platforms for academic and business purposes. For example, I learned about sports education and commercials for products on Instagram. Social media has become a diversified platform for all users.

    1. One of the early ways of social communication across the internet was with Email [e5], which originated in the 1960s and 1970s. These allowed people to send messages to each other, and look up if any new messages had been sent to them.

      It is shocking to see that email was invented this early. I use email a lot, especially at school. I use it to contact my teachers and classmates in order to maximize efficiency. I enjoy using email because it is convenient and easy to use. However, I barely use email to contact my friends since I use social media the most.

    1. Twitter. November 2023. Page Version ID: 1187856185. URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twitter (visited on 2023-12-01).

      As a Twitter user, I think that Twitter is a highly diverse platform for individuals to express themselves aruond the world. Users can gain valuable insights from the app. However, disinformation, racism, hate speech, and other negative phenomena are prevalent on the platform. Despite Twitter's efforts to ban accounts that violate its policies, these issues still require attention to prevent users from getting harmed.

    1. When computers store numbers, there are limits to how much space is can be used to save each number. This limits how big (or small) the numbers can be, and causes rounding with floating-point numbers.

      Large numbers are typically simplified into integer forms to improve simplicity. For examples, on platforms such as Instagram or Twitter, numbers in the thousands are often abbreviated to "K". Presenting numbers as whole figures can make the interface a mess. Categorizing numbers effectively is crucial in data collection.

    1. Steven Tweedie. This disturbing image of a Chinese worker with close to 100 iPhones reveals how App Store rankings can be manipulated. February 2015. URL: https://www.businessinsider.com/photo-shows-how-fake-app-store-rankings-are-made-2015-2 (visited on 2024-03-07).

      This is very shocking to me because one person has the ability to cause such a drastic impact to the ranking of apps. The article shows a woman using hundreds of iPhones in order to manipulate the rankings of apps in the App Store. This brings challenges to both normal users and Apple since it violates the integrity of apps in the Apps Store and the judgment of all the normal users.

    1. On the other hand, some bots are made with the intention of harming, countering, or deceiving others. For example, people use bots to spam advertisements at people. You can use bots as a way of buying fake followers [c8], or making fake crowds that appear to support a cause (called Astroturfing [c9]).

      This reminds me of those spam messages on my phone. I always receive messages that provide me with a link or contact information. I never clicked it but some of my friends did. They told me that they got cheated out of money by these bots. There are also fake followers on TikTok where a user has millions of followers, and part of them have a fixed username that is not active.

  3. Mar 2024
    1. Act with unforced actions in harmony with the natural cycles of the universe. Trying to force something to happen will likely backfire. Rejects Confucian focus on ceremonies/rituals. Prefers spontaneity and play. Like how water (soft and yielding), can, over time, cut through rock.

      Water is one of the key elements in Taoism. One of the famous quotes by Lao Tzu is "The highest goodness is like water. Water benefits all things and does not compete." This quote taught me to become like water and don't hardly compete. I partially agree with the quote since people should obtain certain good traits from water; however, competition is not always bad. I think being competitive helps people to stay prepared and strong.

    2. Being and becoming an exemplary person (e.g., benevolent; sincere; honoring and sacrificing to ancestors; respectful to parents, elders and authorities, taking care of children and the young; generous to family and others). These traits are often performed and achieved through ceremonies and rituals (including sacrificing to ancestors, music, and tea drinking), resulting in a harmonious society.

      As a Chinese student, I have been heavily influenced by Confucianism, especially by reading numerous articles and quotes from Confucius. One of the most famous quotes can be translated as "No shame in asking questions, even to people of lower status." This quote helped me in my academic career. As I progress, I would encounter problems that I don't understand, I should ask questions regardless of people's status.