45 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2016
    1. Students who have to wear a uniform will spend less time shopping and more time studying than those who do not have to wear uniforms. Also, students will be more focused on their schoolwork than worrying about what they will wear the next day. Students will arrive at school earlier because they will not be trying on several different outfits each morning. Having an outfit already chosen for students is one less thing for them to worry about in their already stressful lives.

      students will have more time to do important things

    2. I believe that uniforms will improve students’ individuality because they will have to express themselves through their personality and attitude, rather than through an expensive pair of shoes or a brand name pair of jeans. Uniforms will improve self-esteem in the students because they will not feel pressured to dress a certain way.

      students wouldn't feel pressured to wear the latest trends

    3. Students should go to school to learn and not have to worry about being judged by the clothes they are wearing. Uniforms will not only improve the atmosphere of the school, but will also raise the self-esteem of most students and save money for most parents. instructors' evaluations

      less bullying

    4. Most importantly, school uniforms will save money. Parents will no longer have to spend a fortune on school clothes because they will only need to buy a few uniforms. Of course, parents will still have to buy their kids clothes for weekends, but the quantity of clothes that they buy will be lowered.

      Parents wont have to spend a lot of money on regular clothes

    1. Save families time and money. Many parents report that three uniforms cost about the same as one pair of designer jeans. Even some students admit that wearing the same colors everyday makes it easier to shop for new clothes.

      Uniforms save money

    2. Help administrators quickly identify outsiders who could be a danger to students.

      uniforms make staff identify their students

    3. Increase students' self-esteem because they do not have to participate in the "school fashion show." Dressing alike helps students learn that what really counts is on the inside.

      this shows that students can feel comfortable and be themselves, instead of being the same.

    1. Schools without a school uniform policy still have rules on what clothing is and is not allowed in school. There are usually rules regarding modesty issues, visible logos, offensive text on clothing, gang colors and symbols and more. Teachers and administrative staff must monitor the students' attire. This is of course avoided when all students are in uniform.

      If uniforms are not implemented, teachers and staff will have to monitor students at all times to see if they are were something inappropriate.

    2. With all the money a parent saves by not having to buy day to day clothes, they can (if they so choose) let their children buy a few nicer and more fashionable pieces for weekends and evenings. Wearing a uniform five days a week might make students appreciate their weekend fashions more--maybe enough to even take good care of them!

      Parents can save money for the weekends

    3. Many educators believe that students can become distracted by fashion trends and status symbol clothing. Therefore, when all students are dressed in regulation uniforms, there is less focus on fashion in the classroom and more focus on learning.

      students are less distracted by others when uniforms are implemented

    1. And since uniforms are never fashionable (or unfashionable), and the schools can easily identify their potential customers, the demand for them is very predictable and robust

      Uniforms help identify students

    2. People who can’t afford new uniforms can purchase pre-loathed ones, with the money going to fund school programs.

      uniforms save money

    3. They are great levelers. With a strategically chosen uniform, body type disappears. And it’s hard to distinguish who is cool and who is not. It’s harder to discern the differences in socio-economic background. Nobody wants any item of clothing that the other is wearing; all are equally undesirable, so thieving and general adolescent covetousness are reduced. Every student can find commonality with another; a repulsion for what they are forced to wear. And if schools really are worried about boys being distracted by the female form, the right school uniform is a stiff antidote.

      uniforms decreases bullying

    1. Buying a new school wardrobe every class opening can be hard on the budget. Whereas with uniforms, parents only need to buy a few pieces of school uniforms every year or when needed. After all, uniforms are designed to stand up repeated washings, so it is much more economical.

      uniforms save money

    2. When there is no debate on what students are allowed to wear to school, then mornings would be extra easier for parents. This means decreased morning arguments as everyone knows exactly that the only dress to wear is the regulated school uniform.

      There will be no confusion on what to wear to school

    3. In addition, distracting fashion trends and status -symbol clothing are eliminated, enabling students to focus more on their academic goals. Or in other words, there is less focus on fashion in the classroom and more on learning.

      Uniforms keeps students focus on their school work

    1. The time you spend going to different stores to get the clothes your child needs could be spent doing something else. There are uniform stores available. Walk in, get your supplies, and you are done for the day.

      uniforms are more convenient

    2. My daughter wears a uniform to school and it only costs me $130 for the school year. Depending on how her uniforms have been cared for, she will have them for the next school year, which will save me another $130. How many parents can spend $130 on one child for the entire school year? In answering my question, remember you have to shop for the four seasons. Parents, how many times can you afford to buy new clothing? What does a parent have to lose in putting their child in uniform? How much time does a child spend in the morning trying to find something to wear? For the entire school year, how many times does a parent shop? How much do they spend? Remember parents, all you need for a child are five uniforms for the entire school year.

      This shows that parents can save a great amount of money on uniforms. Uniforms are way cheaper than buying regular clothes. Wearing regular clothes will make students tardy for school.

    1. Uniforms at school also reduce the prevalence of violence, which is a major concern for many public schools. Outsiders who do not belong on campus are easily identified, and thus, do not pose a great threat to the students.

      uniforms helps school staff identify students easier

    2. Additionally, uniforms reduce the prevalence of “cliques” and gangs on school campuses as students are required to only wear specific colors and uniform pieces. A school may only allow green or yellow polo shirts and khaki bottoms, for example, preventing students from wearing the traditional gang identifying colors of red and blue. Accessories such as bandanas, another distinguishing gang clothing characteristic, can also be eliminated from the school dress code.  When it is more difficult to identify members of gangs in school, the fights and violence between rival gangs decrease.  

      This shows readers that uniforms reduces bullying

    3. Many school administrators and parents believe that uniforms create a better learning environment at school. First and foremost, many administrators claim that students are not as distracted by how they look, and therefore, spend more time learning at school. The peer pressures of stylish dressing with the “best” brands are alleviated, especially when students may not wear any uniform pieces from name brand companies. This allows students to  focus more upon their schoolwork, rather than social appearances. 

      When every student is dressed the same, there is no need for any student to feel peer pressured because he or she does not have the “best” brands.

    1. The media have established that many parents and, I am sure, also a considerable number of teachers, believe that school uniforms contribute to improvements in student behaviour. However, there is insufficient evidence that supports this belief.

      uniforms improves student behavior

    2. In our fashion-conscious society, there is a concern that teenage girls, but also boys, may be under substantial peer pressure to dress in a particular way and if they do not do so, they may be less accepted by their peers or even excluded from their social circle. Proponents argue that school uniforms negate this issue by requiring everyone to dress the same. The reality in our highly technological world is that peer pressure simply manifests itself in different ways.

      Uniforms shows less competition

    1. A decrease in peer pressure to wear trendier brands.

      Uniforms makes students feel more comfortable and confident about attending school

    2. Student attendance improves.

      Uniforms makes students on time for school

    3. Uniforms cost less overall.

      Uniforms Saves Money

    1. Cost is cited by opponents as a reason for not adopting a uniform requirement. In fact, one of the main reasons that Baltimore parents wanted to have school uniforms was to reduce clothing costs. Chasing fashion fads and buying many different stylish outfits is far more expensive than just a few uniforms.

      Uniforms save money

    2. It encourages students to evaluate people by their behavior and personality rather than by their manner of dress.

      Students will learn how to like other students based off their personality rather than their chose of fashion

    3. It promotes identity with the school and class, which emphasizes the common educational purpose. It puts everyone in the same boat so they are more likely to help each other succeed. This is a reason why players on sports teams wear identical uniforms. It would suffice to identify the team players if, say, one team wore predominantly red and the other predominantly blue, or even just predominantly dark and light. Yet there is widespread agreement that having identical uniforms is important for the team psychology.

      This shows readers that uniforms help identify students more better.

  2. Dec 2015
    1. “Consumers will conclude that these people have not done anything in spite of what they’ve been saying, and that becomes a credibility issue,” he said. “For a company like Chipotle, which talks a lot about the integrity of its food, that’s seriously damaging.”

      I AGREE

    2. Today” show to apologize to the people who became sick most recently. “I’m sorry for the people who got sick. They’re having a tough time and I feel terrible about that,” Mr. Ells said in an interview.

      Its not really his fault, but then again it is because his company hires anybody. If Ells cared that much about implementing food with integrity, he should have a policy of hiring "experienced" workers.

    3. The company’s shares dropped $19.07, to $522.01, after the new outbreak came to light. The stock is down 30 percent from its high of $757.77 in August.

      I am not surprised that the shares dropped that low

    4. Chipotle says it is working to put in place programs to monitor the safety of each of the 68 ingredients it uses, using methods like high-resolution testing and additional food-safety training for its employees

      The company should've been considered this option

    5. The same bacteria has sickened 53 people in eight other states

      This is bad

    1. 60 samples of every 2,000 pounds of steak will be tested before it's sent to stores.

      This should have been an option

    2. "Food With Integrity"

      Do Chipotle's food really have Integrity?

    3. Onions will be dipped in boiling water to kill germs before they're chopped. Raw chicken will be marinated in resealable plastic bags, rather than in bowls. Cilantro will be added to freshly cooked rice so the heat gets rid of microbes in the garnish.

      If every Chipotle restaurant in the world consider this option, the company will overcome the harmful outbreak.

    4. So they will remain chopped on in restaurants, along with lemons, limes, and jalapenos. All will now be blanched to kill germs.

      So are "automation" foods safer to eat, rather than fresh produce since the fresh produce has a high risk for foodborne illness?

    1. No single food item has been identified as a source of illness.

      CDC, FDA and state health officials need to check again because there has to be something wrong with the food if people are getting sick.

    2. The restaurant chain is also increasing food safety training of its employees and making improvements to its ingredient testing

      Is it really going to be an improvement?

    3. More E. coli cases linked to Chipotle; may be a different outbreak

      What do the reporter mean by "a different outbreak"?

    4. Symptoms, which include diarrhea and abdominal pain, usually begin two to eight days after a person has been exposed to the bacteria and resolve within a week. Some cases are severe and patients can develop hemolytic uremic syndrome, or HUS, which is a type of kidney failure. There have been no cases of HUS or deaths from this outbreak, although 20 of those who have become ill have been hospitalized.

      Abdominal pain is severe. Abdominal pain can lead to Unitary Tract Infections, and very painful menstrual periods.

    1. Schools are under more financial pressure than ever before, thanks in part to the new school lunch nutrition standards that hit the ground last year, observes Margo Wootan, head of nutrition policy at the Center for Science in the Public Interest

      the schools are giving students a better variety in school lunches which is costing the district more money.

    2. Kids are going back to school and so is the ground beef filler dubbed “pink slime.”

      "Pink Slime" is being put back into school lunches

  3. Nov 2015
    1. a dollar spent locally generates twice as much income for the local economy.

      If you keep the money in the same community, it will continue to generate.