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  1. Last 7 days
    1. Oliver Tearle. Who Said, ‘A Lie Is Halfway Round the World Before the Truth Has Got Its Boots On’? June 2021. URL: https://interestingliterature.com/2021/06/lie-halfway-round-world-before-truth-boots-on-quote-origin-meaning/ (visited on 2023-12-08).

      This article mainly tells the origin of the saying "The truth has not yet put on its boots, and the lie has circled half the world." Many people think this was a quote from Churchill, but in fact it was not, and it is now thought to have been probably attributed to Virgil. The meaning of this sentence is that the truth is difficult to convey. If you want to ensure that the truth is passed on, you need an express train to spread it quickly, while lies are lighter than feathers and spread in an instant.

    1. 《墙上的文字:社交媒体 - 最初的 2000 年 》一书描述了在印刷机出现之前,当有人想要一本书时,他们必须找到拥有一本副本的人并让抄写员复印一份。因此,流行的书籍是通过抄写员互相抄写而传播的。随着所有这些复制,这本书可能会传播不同的版本,因为抄写者复制错误、添加注释,甚至原作者制作了更新的副本。因此,我们可以看看这些书的演变:哪些书被复制,以及它们如何随着时间的推移而变化。

      Yes, I agree with this very much. When I was in elementary school, some classmates spread stories about others that were funny or embarrassing, and as more and more people spread the stories, these stories became more and more bullying and usually became more and more embarrassing. It's getting worse. Such problems still exist on the Internet today, and I even suspect that someone is deliberately manipulating it behind the scenes to further ferment public opinion.

    1. 扎克·惠特克。 Facebook 不会让你选择退出其电话号码“查找”设置。TechCrunch,2019 年 3 月。URL:https://techcrunch.com/2019/03/03/facebook-phone-number-look-up/(于 2023 年 12 月 7 日访问)。

      This article mainly talks about Facebook forcing users to use two-factor authentication, which is to bind their phone number. The phone number bound to the user is also associated with their user profile, so anyone can use it to find their profile. Although Facebook gives users the option to hide their phone numbers, there are still other ways to find users' personal information. Therefore, some people think that this is using security measures to further weaken privacy, which is very bad.

    1. 好友或关注者:# 当算法找到你想要联系的人时,对朋友或关注的人的推荐就会很顺利。 当他们推荐前任或施虐者时,推荐效果可能会很差,因为他们与你有很多联系。

      I have had similar experiences on many social software, such as facebook, instagram, etc. They would recommend people that I might know or want to follow, but that also scared me because I thought they had access to my social network accurately, and I thought they had access to my privacy and had My private data may be leaked intentionally or unintentionally.

  2. Apr 2024
    1. 萨莎·科斯坦萨-乔克。设计正义:社区主导的实践,构建我们需要的世界。麻省理工学院出版社,2020 年。ISBN 978-0-262-35686-2 978-0-262-04345-8。 URL:https ://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/78577 (2023-12-15访问过),doi:10.7551/mitpress/12255.001.0001。

      This article introduces a book called Justice by Design: Community-Led Practices to Build the World We Need. This book is about design, power and social justice and what the relationship between these three is. The design method of "design justice" is used to challenge structural inequality. At the same time the book shows how universalist design principles and practices can eliminate certain groups.

    1. 设计师有责任确保环境适合每个人

      Yes, I think in today's society designers do have a responsibility to ensure that the environment is suitable for everyone. This behavior is not very popular in China, so I rarely see disabled people on the street. I think they may have limited mobility and the environment around them is not suitable for them. In the United States, I can often see disabled people on the street, and they seem to be integrated into life like normal people. In hotel elevators, you can see points to help blind people understand, and in trains and buses, Tools to assist in getting in and out of wheelchairs.

    1. 私人信息。 2023 年 11 月。页面版本 ID:1185376021。URL: https: //en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php ?title=Private_message&oldid=1185376021(于 2023 年 12 月 5 日访问)。

      This Wikipedia article mainly introduces private messaging in digital communication and its various forms and uses. In addition to private messages there are also personal messages and direct messages. Private messages are mainly messages sent between users on different platforms, and these messages can only be seen by the participants. Among the software that can send private messages are IRC, forums, and applications such as WhatsApp and Snapchat.

    1. 但这是存储密码的适当安全措施。例如,Facebook 以纯文本形式存储了数百万个 Instagram 密码 [ i8 ],这意味着密码未加密,任何有权访问数据库的人都可以轻松读取每个人的密码。 Adobe 对其密码加密不当,导致黑客泄露了其 1.53 亿用户的密码数据库[ i9 ]。这意味着密码没有加密,任何有权访问数据库的人都可以轻松读取每个人的密码。Adobe 不正确地加密了他们的密码,然后Adobe 不正确地加密了他们的密码,然后

      I think the leakage of personal information is very bad, and Facebook has a big responsibility. My Instagram account was hacked and I could no longer log in, which caused me to lose a lot of photos and memories from my childhood. I felt very angry, and after I complained, Instagram did not respond responsibly, but said they had no solution. I think Facebook and Instagram should work hard to protect user privacy and I think this should be the most basic behavior.

    1. 哈8 乔丹·皮尔森.您朋友的在线联系可以揭示您的性取向。Vice,2014 年 9 月。URL:https ://www.vice.com/en/article/gvydky/your-friends-online-connections-can-reveal-your-sex-orientation (于 2023 年 12 月 5 日访问)。

      Nowadays, people’s information and data are in a state of complete exposure. Even if you don’t use social media, your information will be exposed by your friends around you. And these companies use this information to accurately analyze your sexual orientation. And the more friends you have, the higher your chance of indirectly exposing private details of your life.

    1. For example, social media data about who you are friends with might be used to infer your sexual orientation [h8]. Social media data might also be used to infer people’s:

      I feel very sympathetic to this, especially when I use tiktok, I feel that it sometimes recommends videos to me through analyzing data that my friends and I will watch. This makes me feel like my privacy has been violated. In addition, I remember that when I bought insurance, he once said a question. Except for California, they can legally obtain my information and data, which surprised me.

    1. 朱莉娅·亚历山大.在达拉斯警方要求提供抗议者的视频后,韩国流行音乐粉丝淹没了应用程序。The Verge,2020 年 6 月。网址:https ://www.theverge.com/2020/6/1/21277423/k-pop-dallas-pd-iwatch-app-flood-review-bomb-surveillance-protests-george-弗洛伊德(2023年12月5日访问过)。

      This report focuses on an incident in which Dallas police and Korean fans overwhelmed police software. The Dallas Police Department launched an app called "iWatch Dallas" and asked people to provide footage of illegal activity during protests. K-pop fans organized in support of the protesters through social media and flooded the app with fan cameras, overwhelming police software systems.

    1. RIP 巨魔是指巨魔们找到一个纪念页面,然后共同嘲笑死者和哀悼他们的人们。这是 2013 年的一个例子: Facebook 上专门纪念 7 月 27 日在密歇根湖溺水身亡的马修·科彻 (Matthew Kocher) 的纪念页面吸引了一群互联网破坏者,他们嘲笑廷利公园夫妇唯一的孩子,张贴溺水者的照片,并在图像上叠加嘲讽的评论。 根据该帖子被删除后与《论坛报》分享的页面屏幕截图,其中一张照片显示,一个被淹没的人的手冲破了水面,上面写着“哈哈,你淹死了,你连做一条鱼都失败了”。

      I think this phenomenon is disrespectful to the deceased and will cause very serious psychological damage to the family members. It is very irresponsible. I have seen similar comments that are insulting on the Internet, which makes me very angry because people have died (or been injured) and received online violence.