51 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2019
    1. who let themselves be fucked in the ass by saintly motorcyclists, and screamed with joy,

      The vulgarity continues! Motorcyclists as saints? Is this Ginsberg trying to break the societal mold of what usually considered a "great mind"... A break from tradition

    2. bone-grindings and migraines of China under junk-withdrawal in

      His reference to drug users... Those who suffer withdrawal symptoms upon stopping a substance

    3. incomparable blind streets of shuddering cloud and lightning in the mind leaping towards poles of Canada & Paterson, illuminating all the motionless world of Time between,

      Great imagery here. Is he referring to a stagnant society clouded in the mind and unable to move forward? Frozen in time so to speak.

    1. The strong men gittin’ stronger.

      Or perhaps the men are getting stronger because even without the title of being a slave, the jobs available are essentially just that. Overcome one obstacle, then you must overcome the next. Stronger and stronger with each endeavor. Never ending in a sense

    2. An’ Mobile town

      I think this is another example of modernity as we've discussed. A break from the past and a hope for a different life by relocating.

  2. Nov 2019
    1. Of Negro lullabies.

      Negro lullabies representing heritage here? Children lullabies are remembered into adulthood and can't be forgotten much like our origins and heritage.

    2. Not self-contained with smug identity

      A fight to break the stereotypical way of viewing black women. Fighting against the images of African Americans being "wild" or" savage like".

    3. But let us break the seal of years

      A common theme of modernity; a break from the past

    1. You sang:

      Subject switch from "they" to "you"... What is the author trying to display here?

    2. Comes flivverin’ in, Or ridin’ mules,

      Cheap automobiles/ mules represents a sense of poverty. Everyone came to see "the mother of blues" despite economic hardships prevalent in the South.

    3. Ma Rainey

      Popular blues singer often referred to as "mother of blues".

    1. Does it stink like rotten meat? Or crust and sugar over—

      The metaphor of a raisin drying in the sun combined with the beginning line speaking of a dream deferred, gives a feeling of hopelessness. The possibility of upward mobility seems almost nonexistent. Unlike "I Too Am American" I sense the frustration here our speaker evokes with little faith in what awaits his future. The painting I chose is perhaps a dramatized assumption of what Hugh's is expressing here, but nonetheless I think it displays that feeling of hopelessness for a better future.

    2. Tomorrow, I’ll be at the table

      While the poem speaks of oppression and essentially slavery in so many words, it also ends with a very optimistic outlook. Even though ethnicity separates our speaker from the white household, there is a feeling of hope or confidence in the possibility of change. Tomorrow is future tense showing the poets hopefulness in eventual revolution. "From Slavery Through Reconstruction" reminds me of this process society must go through in order to achieve equality. In the painting a man points to the horizon which is lit bright representing the faith he has in the future. The light acts as a symbol of the united society he yearns for.

    3. I’ve known rivers ancient as the world

      I like Hugh's use of imagery here. He writes "rivers ancient as the world" to represent the history of African American heritage and the hardships they have endured. He is speaking on behalf of his race through the metaphor of a river. Aaron Douglas' "Into Bondage" could be representative of the river and unity shared by black Americans.

  3. Oct 2019
    1. Bin gar keine Russin, stamm’ aus Litauen, echt deutsch. And when we were children, staying at the arch-duke’s,

      "Bin gar keine Russin, stamm' aus Litauen, echt deutsch./ And when we were children, staying at the arch-duke's"

      Eliot uses different languages as well as different characters throughout the poem. Part of why I find the poem confusing is the mix of language and narration. This confusion is intentional since this time in history was in itself quite confusing to those enduring the conditions. With the poems form and language, I found myself re-reading certain lines several times similar to how I found myself leaning in closer to the modernist painting "Nude Descending a Staircase" from the armory show. The artwork is complex and appears to be moving much like the poems form constantly changing direction.

    2.   April is the cruellest month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing Memory and desire, stirring Dull roots with spring rain. Winter kept us warm, covering Earth in forgetful snow

      "April is the cruelest month, breeding lilacs out of the dead land, mixing memory and desire, stirring dull roots with spring rain. Winter kept us warm, covering earth in forgetful snow"

      Opening his poem with these lines, I notice a comparison that we as readers are not used to. How can April be cruel when its known as the season of life? We associate spring with relief from the cold and the dullness winter usually brings us making this statement somewhat contradictory. Similarly our poet reflects on winter as warm leaving the reader a little confused. Imagery like "dull roots" casts a shadow over a normally beautiful season we all look forward to.

      "The apparition of these faces in the crowd; Petals on a wet, black bough"

      As we see with Ezra Pounds lines in his piece "A Station in a Metro", there is a similar style of contrast to describe something we would usually not notice. The faces in the crowd are described as an "apparition" which is usually associated with spiritual or ghostly things. However, as you continue to read the lines you see Pound finds beauty in the blur of people passing him by at the metro. Using words like black and apparition would usually present a dullness similar to Eliot's beginning lines but this contrast presents something entirely different to the reader. The theme of paradox is prevalent for modernist literature as we see with both authors here.

    1. Unguent

      an ointment or salve, usually liquid or semiliquid, for application to wounds, sores, etc.

    2. corpse

      Hyacinth being representative of failed love could come into play here. Was the love destined to be a failed one from the very beginning?

    3. hyacinths

      researching this flower I discovered that they are symbolic of failed love

    4. colonnade,

      In case anyone else was unfamiliar with a colonnade- it's a row of columns supporting a roof, an entablature, or arcade.

    1. obey I do love honor and obey I do.

      Patriarchy at its finest here; a common theme we see in literature of this time such as "The Yellow Wallpaper".

    1. no one to drive the car

      A car without a driver used as a metaphor to understand the recklessness of Americans?

    2. gauds

      Definition of gaud-a showy and purely ornamental thing

    3. and promiscuity between devil-may-care men who have taken

      Is our author giving us some background on Elsie? Are these direct encounters Elsie has had?

    1. vers libre

      French for free verse

    2. apparition

      Ghostly but can this be considered a word that operates occultly?

    3. bough.

      Bough definition is - a branch of a tree; especially : a main branch.

  4. Sep 2019
    1. Love is not all: it is not meat nor drink

      As grand as love can be, it doesn't solve all of life problems. The speaker recognizes that life brings conflict that cannot be solved through finding true love proving that the notion or ideology of "love is all we need" is somewhat of a fantasy.

    2. spar

      Definition: a thick, strong pole such as is used for a mast or yard on a ship.

    1. gaps

      Are the gaps perhaps to be seen as opportunity to question authority? The wall breaks down over time. Is this Frost's way of saying old ideologies should be given a closer examination?

    2. yelping dogs

      What is he referring to here? Is this society as tradition seekers?

    3. He is all pine and I am apple orchard

      A yard full of pine trees indicates the wall is not necessary- thus the need for a wall is also unnecessary. Our speaker questions the need for the wall as he questions why society needs tradition. The wall operates occultly.

    1. At ninety–six I had lived enough, that is all,

      This can sound a little negative at first read, but in comparison to the other poems, Lucinda Matlock has a different aspect on life. She isn't saying I've had enough of life after 96 years, but rather that she is thankful for her memories and time spent living.

    2. It takes life to love Life.

      I think "it takes life to love" is her way of saying that the fulfillment of a good life often takes the experience of life to appreciate. She's trying to share her knowledge with the audience and remind us "degenerate sons and daughters" to live life to the fullest without spending so much time and thought on the negative aspects in our lives.

    3. Petit

      His name says it all here. Petit is French for small or minor. It seems to me this is Petits moment of reflection upon his life. "Blind to all of it all my life long"--This moment of reflection shows our poets regret during his life and the high standards he holds himself to. He states "Homer and Whitman roaring in the pines" while he seems to see to himself as small or minor in comparison.

    1. Poets and kings are but the clerks of Time,

      Poets and kings are remembered for the legacy they pass down for future generations to reflect upon. A poets works are left behind to mark that particular period in time similar to a king who engraves on his society certain ideologies that will in many cases be followed for years to come. Time being the emphasis here, I believe our poet is trying to vocalize an imprint or lasting memory being handed down. Using the word clerks illustrates the power they hold in leaving this legacy behind

    1. take care of myself for his sake

      Again we see the narrator alluding to the important role a woman plays in society. TO SERVE MEN. She MUST take care of herself for HIS sake.

    2. serious cases

      John is always gone dealing with sick patients. The fact that his wife is at home deteriorating is not a serious case? I understand he doesn't believe in her illness but why then is she forbidden to do so many tasks? She can't even write in her journal!

    3. chintz

      Definition-printed multicolored cotton fabric with a glazed finish, used especially for curtains and upholstery

    1. dynamos

      For anyone else who did not know what a dynamo is--> Definition- a machine for converting mechanical energy into electrical energy; a generator


      The title is worth taking a look at. Is there some concern that the dynamo will become a force as powerful as that of the virgin?

  5. Aug 2019
    1. Mothers hardening like pounded stumps, out of stumps

      Imagery referring to the harsh reality of an existence in a world where you must become tough and "hard". To harden like a stump and accept industry and racism for what it is in order to survive.

    2. They Lion grow

      What's growing here? Urbanization? Factory work? Perhaps both? Something negative is clearly becoming a larger problem through our poets eyes.

  6. May 2019
    1. Hertfordshire

      County directly North of London

    2. ensigncy

      "The rank or position of an ensign in the army" (OED).

    3. entail

      "Law. The action of entailing; the state of being entailed. The settlement of the succession of a landed estate, so that it cannot be bequeathed at pleasure by anyone possessor; the rule of descent settled for any estate; the fixed or prescribed line of devolution" (OED).

    4. guinea

      "A gold coin issued in England from 1663 to 1813 and worth one pound and one shilling" (OED).

    5. connubial

      "Of or pertaining to marriage, or the married state; nuptial, matrimonial" (OED).

  7. Feb 2019
    1. “He has only two thousand pounds of his own; it would be madness to marry upon that, though for my own part I could give up every prospect of more without a sigh. I have been always used to a very small income, and could struggle with any poverty for him; but I love him too well to be the selfish means of robbing him, perhaps, of all that his mother might give him if he married to please her. We must wait, it may be for many years. With almost every other man in the world, it would be an alarming prospect; but Edward’s affection and constancy nothing can deprive me of, I know.”

      As someone previously noted, the position of Edwards income is equivalent to about enough for one to live off of for a year, it was not nearly enough money to live the lifestyle that was so typically sought after by social classes. Even those who live a middle class lifestyle fantasize about having more money to spend as we saw the sisters talk about in previous chapters. Money was the most important part of societal class and how you ranked in life. The fact that this amount of money Edward has alone would not be enough to secure a future is important. Edward relies on his mother as Lucy notes this just before this passage I've chosen. Lucy insists that she is used to living a simple life and her love for him could not stop them from being together. I can't help but read this as Austen mocking Lucy's true character or perhaps it is the true Lucy just trying to deter her competition? I think there is much to be said for this passage although I'm not totally quite able to point my finger on Austen's intentions just yet. I do think its worth taking note of as Lucy's character begins to develop more through the story.

    2. The necessity of concealing from her mother and Marianne, what had been entrusted in confidence to herself, though it obliged her to unceasing exertion, was no aggravation of Elinor’s distress. On the contrary, it was a relief to her, to be spared the communication of what would give such affliction to them, and to be saved likewise from hearing that condemnation of Edward, which would probably flow from the excess of their partial affection for herself, and which was more than she felt equal to support.

      Going again off of the word exertion from class, we see this vocabulary choice again affiliated with Elinor. The degree of exertion on her part has occurred several times throughout the novel as we've discussed, and at times in different context. For Elinor, keeping the secret Lucy has bestowed upon her is difficult in the sense of what is right but not under the circumstances of understanding her personality. If I'm reading this passage correctly, "though it obliged her to unceasing exertion" refers to the effort it takes to partake in something that she views as perhaps morally incorrect. On the contrary this "unceasing exertion" is also a blessing and relief since Elinor sees no true positive outcome that can become of the situation. Understanding the affliction and heartache it will arouse in both Marianne and her mothers character is important to the analysis of how the word is used. In this case the exertion becomes understandable in Elinor's eyes to protect those she loves.

    3. The youthful infatuation of nineteen would naturally blind him to everything but her beauty and good nature; but the four succeeding years — years, which if rationally spent, give such improvement to the understanding, must have opened his eyes to her defects of education: while the same period of time, spent on her side in inferior society and more frivolous pursuits, had perhaps robbed her of that simplicity, which might once have given an interesting character to her beauty.

      This passage to me grasped a larger picture Ms. Austen is trying to illustrate to the reader. In Georgian society a woman is only regarded for such things as her beauty and age. Things like virtue hold more of a significance to what is considered "desired" or even "moral". These lines represent Austen's understanding of the world she lives in but also leaves room for the possibility of hope that some men whom she interacts with (AKA EDWARD!) may hold a deeper understanding of a woman's intelligence and her true worth as a person. This also shows the "sense" in Elinor's character as well as the "sense" she is hopeful Edward possess.