29 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. You know and I know that the country is celebrating one hundred years of freedom one hundred years too early. We cannot be free until they are free. G

      He connected Black liberation with the freedom of white Americans, emphasizing that true freedom is shared and connected.

    2. But these men are your brothers, your lost younger brothers, and if the word "integration" means anything, this is what it means, that we with love shall force our brothers to see themselves as they are, to cease fleeing from reality and begin to change it, for this is your home, my friend. Do not be driven from it. Great men have done great things here and will again and we can make America what America must become.

      I think the message he is trying to convey to his nephew is that the white Americans are like his lost brothers. He wants his nephew to look at them with understanding, to understand why they think the way they do. He thinks that from their ignorance, and by understanding where they come from, he could help them and they could be liberated from their racism.

    3. I know what the world has done to my brother and how narrowly he has survived it and I kn

      I am not sure if he's really talking about his actual brother. If that's not the case, I think he is talking about the systemic racism against black men and the lasting emotional scars left behind.

    1. Moving from silence into speech is for the oppressed, the colonized,the exploited, and those who stand and struggle side by side a gesture ofdefiance that heals, that makes new life and new growth possible. It is thatact of speech, of “talking back,” that is no mere gesture of empty words,that is the expression of our movement from object to subject—the liberatedvoice.

      Speaking is a way of breaking the chains of oppression. She comes to that conclusion from her personal experience, but also recognizes that throughout history, speaking has been a double-edged sword used to silence people and to liberate them.

    2. Writing was a way to capture speech

      I like that she discovered her voice through writing, which is liberating.

    3. invite punishment

      In most cultures, talking back as a child is deemed disrespectful, which I agree with to some extent. However, completely silencing a child's voice and preventing them from speaking their minds could have very negative consequences for the child's future and confidence in his adult life.

  2. Sep 2024
    1. his isn’t an essay about whether Morgellons disease is real. That’s probably obvious by now. It’s an essay about what kinds of reality are considered prerequisites for compassion

      I am not sure how to feel about this, but it might have been better if the writer left it to the reader to decide or understand by themselves what the article is about.

    2. They didn’t know what this stuff was, or where it came from, or why it was there, but they knew — and this was what mattered, the important word

      This sentence shows the conflict that the writer is having throughout the article on what reality is since science says it's not true, but to them, it's reality; they feel it.

    1. The Internet, among other mass media, as well as the language habitsof America’s ever-growing diverse ethnic populations, be affecting howeverybody talk and write now, too

      I think this enviable, that one way of speaking will be more dominant than the other especially in how connected the world is right now

    2. It be theway folks with some power perceive other people’s language. Like theway some view, say, Black English when used in school or at work. BlackEnglish don’t make it own-self oppressed. It be negative views aboutother people usin they own language, like what Fish express in his NYTblog, that make it so

      I agree that people shouldn't feel conflicted about speaking in their dialect. I am not one to speak on how things go in the U.S. workplace and what language is expected and accepted. But in Oman, you are expected to speak in a somewhat formal way to make communication easier with people of different backgrounds.

    3. Dominant language ideology say peeps can say whateva theheck they want, howeva they want to—BUT AT HOME

      I am not entirely sure how to feel about this. It's great that you use your natural way of speaking in your writing, but I think it could be quite challenging for English learners or non-Americans in general to read the paper without feeling confused about the meaning of some words.

  3. learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet02-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet02-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com
    1. When students are writing for a teacher, writing becomes moreproblematic than it is for the students who are describing baseballto a Martian.

      I think this is true for everyone: changing the way you write or not really giving your true opinion to fit the teacher's expectations and values if you knew them.

    2. It is very hard for them to take on the role-thevoice, the person-of an authority whose authority is rooted inscholarship, analysis, or research.

      I like that Bartholomae talked about the difficulty students face in adopting an authoritative academic voice. He suggests that students not only need to be good at a subject but also need to mimic someone, which shouldn't be the case. Instead, they should focus on being themself.

    3. very time a student sits down to write for us, he has to inventthe university for the occasion-invent the university, that is, ora branch of it, like History or Anthropology or Economics orEnglish.

      Great introduction, highlighting the challenge students face in "inventing" the university each time they write, and setting the tone for the rest.

    1. The vines dry, rot, are plowed under. Growth, death,decay, birth. The soil prepared again and again, impregnated,Worked on. A constant changing of forms, renacimientos de latierra madre

      I liked the ending. It shows that the people are tied to the land not only physically but also spiritually and culturally and that their tie is renewed to the land in a cycle, just like the cycle of life.

    2. Chicano Spanish is not incorrect, itis a living language

      I like the pride she has toward her language and not accepting it as anything but an independent language of its own. In Oman, we have a small isolated town by the mountain, and the only way to get to it is by sea. The people of this town speak a language that is a mix of Arabic, English, Portuguese, Spanish, and a few other words from different languages. However, the people who speak it think of it as one unique language called Kumzari.

    1. Apart from what any critic had to say about my writing, I knew I had succeeded where it counted when mymother finished reading my book and gave me her verdict: "So easy to read."

      I totally agree with her. I think conveying your message in the easiest way is better than complicating it to make it appealing to critics.

    2. Not waste money that way.

      In Oman, there is a large number of expats from South Asia. I often find myself speaking a mix of broken Arabic and some words of Urdu, the way they usually speak Arabic. If someone from the same background speaks perfect Arabic, I can't help but start speaking broken Arabic. I believe the reason they don't speak normal Arabic is that everyone speaks broken Arabic with them from day one.

    3. I spend a great deal of my time thinking about the power of language -- the way itcan evoke an emotion, a visual image, a complex idea, or a simple truth

      I believe that language plays a significant role in shaping our thoughts, and it can impact the way we think and express our feelings. I express my feelings slightly differently in English than in my native language, Arabic.

    1. self~determination -the decision to define ourselves, name ourselves, and speak for ourselves, in~ stead of being defined and spoken for by others.

      Self-determination is the fundamental act of reclaiming your identity and taking control of your life

    2. warrior

      I couldn't annotate page 41, but this is what I wanted to note: paragraph two "My silences had not protected me. Your silence will not protect you."

      This statement is very true. Silence can be helpful in the short term, but in the long run, choosing to stay silent can have negative repercussions. Life is too short to spend it in silence.

    3. And of course I am afraid, because the transformation of silence into language and action is an act of self~revelation, and that always seems fraught with danger.

      She implies that this fear is necessary and must be embraced to achieve the change she strives for, which is something everyone needs to understand and work through.

  4. Aug 2024
    1. publication information, and rhetorical highlightsof the selectio

      Biographical context and publication information help to ease the reader into the text. Knowing who the writer is and their purpose makes it easier to connect with the text.

    2. follow the five step

      These five steps make the reading process less overwhelming and more structured.

    3. Questions to Ask Yourself as You Read

      Asking questions while reading seems like a good strategy to stay engaged and understand more. Developing the habit of questioning the writer’s purpose and methods can be very helpful for understanding what I am reading.

    4. fter reading an essay, most people feel more confident talking about the content of the piece than about the writer’s styl

      I don’t yet understand the concept of active reading, but learning about the style of writing seems like an interesting idea and could truly help understand a piece.

    1. . I will expect you to treat your classmates with kindness, respect, and understanding. I will expect them to treat you in the same way

      Even though this should be a given, I appreciate the reminder. I think those values are important for everyone in the class to have a great experience.

    2. Interview

      I am a bit confused about the interview. Are we required to write 500 words for an assignment, or do we need to have at least 500 words of the essay to make one?

    3. 48 hours before the due date.

      Knowing that the class has this policy makes it more relaxing.