3 Matching Annotations
- Oct 2024
furnaceandfugue.org furnaceandfugue.org
Your eyes with ease these Emblems may behold, But reason must the mysteryesmysteries unfold: These things I've made familiar, that the mind The treasures here inclosdenclosed may seekeseek and find
Very interesting line when thinking about what we learned on Monday when Donna Bilak came in for a guest lecture. It seems here that Maier is hinting at the fact that there is a 'mystery' that will unfold upon the reading of the book, as well as 'treasures her enclosed'.
furnaceandfugue.org furnaceandfugue.org
So allsoalso the PhilosophicallPhilosophical dragon, if heehe be - rightly handled, leaves his fiercenessefierceness, and becomes a freindfriend to man, though heehe be malitiousmalicious,
I don't fully understand the meaning of this passage. If the dragon is rightly handled, then he becomes friendly to men. But he is still malicious? If the dragon has an alchemical meaning, what would that imply in context with this passage?
The Dragon dyesdies - not, except by his brother and Sister, that is, Sol and Luna, that is, Sulphur ex=tracted, containing in it the nature of moistnessemoistness and coldnessecoldness according to Luna
I'm interested in the connection to alchemy that this passage creates. If Sol represents Sulphur and Luna represents Mercury, what does the dragon represent in connection to alchemy? If there is any connection at all