34 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. astounded toresist

      astounded with the fact that he sees wine, or that his friend is chaining him up? Seems to be the wine, but I first though it was the fact that his friend was chaining him up

    2. which I had difficulty inrecognising as that of the noble Fortunato.

      jesus. This reminds me of the Nutty Putty cave incident. Someone was trapped upside down for 27 hours, and you couldn't even make out his final words since it was basically just gurgling.

    3. In pace requiescat

      This means rest in peace.

    4. My heart grew sick


    5. clamorer

      these names are dehumanizing. Fortunato grew still

    6. Unsheathing myrapier

      You drew your weapon at a man chained down and behind a wall?

    7. A succession of loud and shrill screams, bursting suddenly fromthe throat of the chained form,

      This is terrifying. Fortunato has no escape

    8. I heard the furious vibrations of thechain

      Okay man Fortunato's tryna leave now I thought he was your friend

    9. I began vigorously to wall up theentrance

      So you not only chained him down, but are building a wall too so he can't get back. Didn't you just say he should turn back? He literally can't now??

    10. The Amontillado!” ejaculated my friend, not yet recoveredfrom his astonishment

      first EJACULATED HUH????? Also he really just cares about the wine

    11. Throwing the links about his waist

      wow yeah he just chained him up what on earth

    12. fettered

      restrained with chains or manacles, typically around the ankles. Woah you just straight up chained your friend?

    13. flambeaux rather to glow than flame

      It's cold, dark, the air is awful, Fortunato is barely able to walk, it feels grim

    14. offering him my arm. He leaned upon it heavily.

      Fortunato is struggling to keep himself up

    15. You? Impossible! A mason?

      Narrator is a mason? also, what is the brotherhood?

    16. had I givenFortunato cause to doubt my good wil

      Is this more like a karma situation? do good and you will be lucky? Is Fortunato a someone? <br /> I wrote that before finding out it was just a character. Maybe this is just saying Fortunato was not justified in doing harm to the narrator.

    17. “The nitre!” I said; “see, it increases. It hangs like moss uponthe vaults. We are below the river’s bed. The drops of moisturetrickle among the bones. Come, we will go back ere it is too late.Your cough—”

      Narrator yet again telling fortunato to turn back

    18. ignoramus

      an utterly ignorant person

    19. gesticulation

      a gesture, especially a dramatic one, used instead of speaking or to emphasize one's words.

    20. And I to your long life

      oh I love forshadowing

    21. “Come,” I said, with decision, “we will go back; your health isprecious.You are rich, respected, admired, beloved; you are happy,as once I was. You are a man to be missed.

      This is supposed to be revenge against Fortunato? Why is the narrator insisting he go back? Did he know it wouldn't change Fortunato's mind? Is he doing this to make his character still seem good?

    22. gait

      A persons manner of walking

    23. sconces two flambeaux


      A decorative wall bracket for holding candles or lights


      A large candlestick with many branches or a torch with several wicks

    24. absconded

      leave hurriedly and secretly, typically to avoid detection of or arrest for an unlawful action such as theft.

    25. palazzo

      a palatial building, especially in Italy.

    26. roquelaire

      type of cloak. They going full ninja

    27. Let us go, nevertheless. The cold is merely nothing.

      Fortunato is pretty impulsive. He hears wine, he's in. He stops participating in the carnival he's dressed for, he the narrator kinda tries to stop him from leaving, and he isn't even turned away by how cold it will be.

    28. Luchesi cannot tell Amontillado from Sherry.

      Okay. Amontillado is a type of sherry wine that's dryer. Sherry is just regular sherry wine.

    29. He had on a tight-fitting parti-striped dress, and hishead was surmounted by the conical cap and bells

      Mans dressed like a jester

    30. Fortunato

      luck. They got those 1k injuries by chance?

      I actually did further research and I believe it's just the characters name

    31. Italians

      I noticed Fortunato said it was italian when I looked it up.

    32. immolation

      the act of killing yourself or someone else, or of destroying something, usually by burning. Oh lord.

    33. redresser

      to set right. Does this mean the person/thing who sets it right?

    34. unredressed

      something has not been set right, compensated for, or redressed
