3 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2021
    1. suppose it happens that you begin to wonder about my motivations. Maybe all I really want to do is beat you. Maybe that’s why I’m so interested in changing the rules. | mean, what makes you so sure that I’m that community-minded?

      A community game that is completely built on trust and good intentions is difficult to maintain. Especially when that game is life and definitely not something you want to lose. Could this be the reason people may make bad or say questionable decisions sometimes?

  2. May 2021
    1. when we turn on our smartphones, that they are there for us to play with, it's more that the possession of one turns you into a nonplayer character. You are now emitting a string of data, about location and activity, with which Apple and Google and Facebook and Samsung and Amazon and all the r est get to play the meta-game. The game that seems to be for us is really for them. They play against each other, with us as the nonplayer charac-ters, the meatbots

      This is an interesting sentiment, but I am able to see this point of view. When I see hordes of people walking around engrossed in their phones, it does remind me of meatbots.

  3. Apr 2021
    1. If we are novice players, the rules may be writte n on the back of the box the ch ess set came in. Or they migh t be in a book on a bookshelf behind us. Or they might be d isplayed on a computer screen nearby. T he inte rest-in g thing, though, is that unless we are novice p layers the rules w ill no t be consulted during the game. The rules o f chess are written down in millions of locations around t he world, but when you are actually p laying a game of c h ess those physical manifesta tions of the ru les aren' t a part o f t he process. Wh en you are actually playing a gam e of ch ess, the only rules tha t matter are t he rules in your head

      I never noticed this before, but now that I realize it, it is very true. Even other than chess this applies to sports, tabletop games and even work in some cases
