5 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2022
    1. Every society has primary groups, such as families, whose primary function is to have and raise children.

      That the full meaning in a life as a cylce.

    2. Culture differentiates peoples, but in the process, we need to remember we are all members of the same species.

      We all the same as a tpe of way but the thing that seems didfferent is the personlaized likeing and how peoelple portray thier own culture as inputing new set of beliefs.

    3. he had noticed other differences among speakers of other languages as well.

      Being a lawer lets you learning another language. So intoring as a lawer means there are many different people that you are going to accporch and might have one laugnuge that you must lrean. It depends on the poplaution aorund the area that ypou are in which can make you add a new set of laugaunges.

    4. Tylor used the concept to make sense of what he learned from his travels

      experience something new to yourself is gain it puts your mind in a good state.

    5. English universities and so went to work in his father’s business

      quaker seems relateable to me becuase wanting to work want your parents to build a reationship woht them and help them willll ypu csan.